Then I got the part. "Being selected is a huge honor for us," McNair said. He collects toll money for customs as people pass through. Little James gets the others while Thaddeus helps Nathanael build a stage for Jesus. The disciple Little James, played by actor Jordan Walker Ross, is portrayed in the series as a disabled follower who has yet to receive his healing. 4.0 / 5.0. "It made me revisit the Gospels, and after playing out these stories these stories of healing and Jesus' messages of love and these parables that are embedded with so much truth and love and really esoteric meanings, it's intense stuff and really beautiful, she said. I think The Chosen does a great job of that. Big James, John, and their father Zebedee, The Chosen Season One begins most episodes with a prologue set decades or even centuries earlier - scenes from the Old Testament or set earlier in the life of a main character. He was a valuable team member. Appearances He is the father of Cher and ex-stepfather to Josh. Jesus heals the man and calls Simon the Zealot (nicknamed as Zee), to follow Him. Signup for Breaking News Alerts & Newsletters. He gave Christ three years of his life, but he certainly didnt give Him his heart, and Jesus knew this. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:35-45 ESV), Jesus walking with James, John, Simon, Andrew, and the other disciples in The Chosen, When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. Simon had believed the truth and embraced Christ as his Lord. Your contributions mean so much. Jesus plan was to eventually have the disciples take over and carry on the work He had started. Hard as the work may be, John and Big James are grateful that they can avoid working among the Samaritans of Sychar and take the special task as a sign that Jesus likes them more than the others. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Jeannie Ortega Law is a reporter for The Christian Post. Jesus takes the party to a synagogue in Wadi Kelt, where Jesus heals a Elam, a man with a withered hand. The thing that I perceived as my greatest flaw or weakness has turned out to be one of my biggest assets and strengths because Ive learned that I can use my limp and disabilities to inspire others and show people they arent alone. And keep your eyes open, because apparently The Chosen Season 2 is going to get released as each episode is completed - and the next episode might even be finished by the end of the week. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. the "who is worthy?" MIDLOTHIAN, Texas Giavani Cairo remembers feeling honored to be cast as one of the apostles in The Chosen, but he had one question. He exalts the humble and lays low those who are proud. As expected Mary let them in, and Jesus joined them a few minutes later. We watch as various disciples (now aged) are interviewed about the first time they met Jesus. Before the Sermon starts, James' friends from Capernaum, Barnaby and Shula, stop by. He is a rather quiet part of the team of disciples in that we dont read much about him in Scripture. Season 1 is available on iTunes and Amazon and can also be streamed on Peacock and YouTube, though all future episodes will be released exclusively on the app. We are not told exactly what Jesus said. With The Chosen, as my character has been explored more, I have realized that just because Im different doesnt mean Im broken. The Names of the 12 Disciples We find the names of the disciples in the Gospel books of; Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:14-19 and Luke 6:13-16. While Jesus heals, James meets Nathanael, Jesus' newest disciple. Apart from the James & John vs. Simon & Andrew tension, The Chosen Season 2 also features John (and James, in a sense) in its very first post-Jesus frame narrative, an intriguing new development that will allow The Chosen to engage with the story of Jesus in some novel ways, which we'll also explore below. Before their selection as apostles they had all become close disciples of the Lord; they believed in Him; several of them, possibly all, had openly confessed that He was the Son of God; and yet it is doubtful . TBA as young Simon Z. Here was a man who drew as close to the Savior as it is humanly possible to be. Big James is played by Shayan Sobhian in the first half of Season 1 and by Kian Kavousi in the second half of Season 1 and by Abe Martell in Season 2 and beyond. (John 14:16), Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; and James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew (Nathanael); Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus(James the Less), and Thaddaeus(Judas, son of James); Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Him. Claudette Barius . James son of Alpheus was born in Galilee. During Season One, I commented on how The Chosen emphasized Jesus' heart for outcasts almost to the point of deemphasizing the sinfulness of those Jesus called. John and Big James may be a bit power-hungry, but they aren't simply power-hungry. This is, of course, related to the decision to depict John the son of Zebedee as the author of the Gospel of John, since the Beloved Disciple is also usually identified with the writer of the Gospel of John. Growing up in East Lansing, Michigan, Cairo was heavily into sports as a young man, especially hockey. Filmed in Texas and Utah under strict protocols during the pandemic, The Chosen is gearing up to begin production on its third season in the fall. When they got to Capernaum, they all visited the home of Big James and John's parents, Zebedee and Salome. Ticket informationis available, along with a complete list of theaters. Ross has a real-life battle with cerebral palsy and scoliosis, which has led to a noticeable limp. In fact, you can often use your differences to inspire others.. Galilee The scene stirred a range of emotions for all involved, both when the camera was rolling and when it was not. Jesus spots a tax collector named Matthew Levi at the gate. Also known as Simon, Simon Peter, or Cephas (Rock), Peter was a gregarious, natural leader, and an obvious spokesperson for the twelve. He faced crucifixion with boldness and courage. Debut He died as a martyr while serving the people of Albinopolis, Armenia. I think especially in todays world, we need a lot of that. Jordan Walker Ross And Jesus called them to him and said to them, You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 'The Chosen' star Jonathan Roumie talks playing Jesus on television and working on a crowdfunded show. Jesus says, "Follow me." Matthew watches Him go for a moment. He obviously became a follower and stayed with Jesus for three years. Matthew brought the gospel to Ethiopia and Egypt. He wrote more about love than any other New Testament author. Jesus, played by actor Jonathan Roumie, prepares to send his disciples on missions, two by two, in a scene from Season 3 of The Chosen.. The Chosen has a bit of fun exploring why John might refer to him with such a singular way. We take challenges and turn them into something exciting., In the shows most recent episode, Ross has a scene in which another Apostle asks him why Jesus hasnt healed him yet. Season 1 focused on how a core group of disciples (Simon, Andrew, Matthew, Little James, Big James, John, Mary, Thomas, Ramah, and Thaddeus) encountered Jesus and accepted the call to follow him. Silently, he stands and leaves everything to follow Jesus. In our retrospective study, patients with surgically treated primary malignant melanoma of the head and neck region larger than 3 cm in diameter were included. All Rights Reserved. His grandfather was cast in his first film (Urban Cowboy) at age 39, so that became the young actors goal. until the day when He was taken up to heaven, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen. 05;:, 7141016km1 mi . However, it seems like James and John are being rebuked for being too confrontational and violent, instead of embracing Jesus' way of loving enemies and praying for those who reject and persecute you. Now it has given a whole new layer to my role., When Jordan auditioned, he did a really good job and was right for the part, Jenkins said. The duo sat down with the Deseret News at an August media event on the shows set at Camp Hoblitzelle, near Dallas to discuss their roles and experiences with the show as fans gear up for the release of Season 3 on Nov. 18. Unfortunately, we've lost a cast member to a family emergency, and we've had to replace him. The play is part of six works from Washington and Oregon chosen by Bellingham TheatreWorks for a New Play Cafe reading series taking place March 3-5 and 10-12 at the New Prospect Theatre. (Luke 9:51-56 ESV). As Jesus looks at him, Matthew senses it and looks up. Jesus spent three years training these men to be leaders. Portrayed by Luke Dimyan Debut Beyond Mountains "What I need is a life I can be proud of! 9:5) His assignment was to bring the Gospel to the circumcised. Exodus 3:14; John 8:58). They would have been considered common men in their day. The Chosen Season One begins most episodes with a prologue set decades or even centuries earlier - scenes from the Old Testament or set earlier in the life of a main character. He was intimately familiar with everything Jesus taught. Naming the Apostles The twelve apostles were Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew (Nathanael), Thomas, Matthew (Levi), James, Thaddaeus (Judas), Simon, and Judas Iscariot. What do we know about Philip? It helped me to stop viewing my limp and my disability as a weakness or as a flaw and to see it as something that can set me apart and something I can use to inspire others. To make matters worse, Jesus has "gotten lost" under Simon's watch, which John and James take as a sign that they need to implement their own agenda and measures of security. "As artists, I think we aspire to be something way bigger than ourselves, and you don't always get that opportunity, though," Cairo continued. The group travels to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, and with the others, James helps build the booth. When Jesus insists, "I'm a man, John," John pushes him further, saying, "And yet" - and Jesus rewards his boldness by confiding, "I am who I am" (cf. A heart for evangelism, he was anxious to tell Nathanael the One foretold by Moses and the prophets had been found. Jesus calls upon many to be his disciples on The Chosen, a faith-based tv-series and stunning event. We also see how John's conversations with Jesus (i.e. key hair stylist / additional makeup artist (12 episodes, 2017-2021) Cynthia Shelley . Almost nothing. Some scholars have suggested that this is a title for Mary Magdalene or Nicodemus. We are never explicitly told why Jesus calls James and John the Sons of Thunder, however, many interpreters have concluded it has to do with the brash and zealous character we see on display when they ask to call fire down on Samaritans for rejecting Jesus (Luke 9:51-56).