EARTH RADIUS meaning & explanation. He noticed that the difference in the angle of a shadow in his location at Syene, which is present-day Aswan in Egypt, and that of a shadow in Alexandria was about 7.2 degrees. [2] The first, titled Arturo Xuncax, is set in an Indian village in Guatemala. However, other factors such as the rotation of the Earth also contribute to the net acceleration. Has got the radius of Earth mysteriously grown by about 3%? Since Earth is roughly spherical, calculating its volume is relatively simple. Its "up" direction there is shown with a black segment: it is, by definition, perpendicular to the ellipse at that point. [2] All three values are about 6,371 kilometres (3,959mi). less than 6400 km. N Equatorial radius is conventionally used as the nominal value unless the polar radius is explicitly required. A body on the surface of a planet with the same radius as Earth's weighs 10 times more than it does on Earth. The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Acceleration due to gravity is a vector, which means it has both a magnitudeand a direction. Each of the models in common use involve some notion of the geometric radius. d More than 2,000 years ago Eratosthenes compared the position of the Suns rays in two locations to calculate the spherical size of the Earth with reasonable accuracy. 1o = 180 radian. Since the earth's surface is 6.37 x 10 6 m from its center (that's the radius of the earth), the satellite must be a height of. This was due to the coincidence that Mars and Earth lined up with the Sun when the Earth was close to its farthest point from . The value of the radius is completely dependent upon the latitude in the case of an ellipsoid model, and nearly so on the geoid. The red dot at the lower left corner is its center. Eratosthenes was born around 276 B.C., which is now Shahhat, Libya. The structure of the Earths upper mantle can be derived from seismic waves. A model of a helicopter rotor has four blades, each of length 3.4 mm from the central shaft to the blade tip. Asteroids range in size from Vesta - the largest at about 329 miles (530 kilometers) in diameter - to bodies that are less than 33 feet (10 meters) across. Point B, which appears due east from A, will be closer to the equator than A. ] In this state, it would have approximately the same mass as it has now, but its radius would be equal to the radius of the Earth. George has always been passionate about physics and its ability to explain the fundamental workings of the universe. {\displaystyle r=[r^{1},r^{2},r^{3}]^{T}=[x,y,z]^{T}} The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Mathematically, Earth is a spheroid. Earth's surface area is an estimated 510 km2, and about 29% of the area is land while the other 71% consists of water. The radius of earth, is the distance from the centre of the Earth to a point on or near its surface, and it ranges from nearly 6,378 km to nearly 6,357 km, dhanyaranjan Published On January 28th, 2022 Table of Contents Radius of Earth in Physics The symbol R? Your partner should measure at the same time, regardless of time difference. The Earth is slightly oblate, so its radius in the plane of the equator is a little larger than its radius along the rotational axis. NASA Telescope Takes 12-Year Time-Lapse Movie of Entire Sky. It does not store any personal data. How cold is it on moon? Today we know our planet's circumference is roughly 40,000 kilometers (24,850 miles). Using the parameters from WGS84 ellipsoid of revolution, a = 6,378.137 km and b = 6356.7523142km, V = 1.083211012km3 (2.59881011cumi).[17]. The earth is made up of three different layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. Keplers Third law can be used to determine the orbital radius of the planet if the mass of the orbiting star is known (R3=T2Mstar/Msun, the radius is in AU and the period is in earth years). R = earthRadius returns the scalar value 6,371,000, the mean radius of the Earth in meters. As such, they are topographical geocentric distances, Rt, which depends not only on latitude. Our descriptions of Earths surface must be simpler than reality in order to be tractable. Her latest book, "A Travel for Taste: Germany," was published in 2015. N The circumference of the Earth can be calculated using the formula, Circumference = 2 R or D, where R is the radius of Earth and D is the diameter. 1. Drive one of the meter sticks into the ground in your location in a sunny spot. Since he knew the distance between the locations, he was able to determine the circumference of the earth, and therefore the diameter and radius as well. Venus is included with a thick, quickly spinning atmosphere, developing a scorched world with temperatures hot enough to melt lead along with a surface pressure 90 occasions those of Earth. A = R are tangents to the surface. Using the following data: the volume of a sphere = (4/3) (pi)R 3 Radius of the earth= 6.3106 m. Mass of earth= 5.9742 10 24 kilograms. After completing his degree, George worked as a postdoctoral researcher at CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory. In 1993 the WGS84 governing committee voted, with one exception, to retain the 1984 defining values, despite improvements to those defining values. {\displaystyle R_{E}} In the third century B.C., Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician, became the first person to mathematically calculate the diameter of the earth by comparing differences in the angle of the suns rays at two separate geographic points. [e] For the Earth .mw-parser-output .sfrac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .sfrac.tion,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .tion{display:inline-block;vertical-align:-0.5em;font-size:85%;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .num,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{display:block;line-height:1em;margin:0 0.1em}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{border-top:1px solid}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1/q 289, which is close to the measured inverse flattening 1/f 298.257. Therefore, the distance you use in the equation is the distance between the two orbiting bodies. Earth Radius by Latitude Calculator Calculates radius and diameter of the Earth for a given latitude. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. {\displaystyle K} r . What you need is to convert a meter into degrees since long/lat is a polar coordinate system.With the circumference of Earth being 40,075 km, you get 0.00000898315 deg/m which you need to multiply with the size of the object (1 m) to get the degrees which you have to add to your coordinate to get a point which intersects with the radius of . The magnitude of the gravitational force between earth and an object is given by the formula. You can do this, too, by using his method. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". What is the radius of the parallel of latitude? The radius of the Earth, re, is about 6.38 10 6 meters, and the mass of the Earth is 5.98 10 24 kilograms. Since the estimate by Eratosthenes, many models have been created. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. {\displaystyle w^{1}=\varphi } The corresponding radius of curvature depends on the location and direction of measurement from that point. Learn what is circumference of a sphere, how to calculate the circumference of the Earth with the help of solved examples. 903 mi) at the poles and 6371. They are vertices of the ellipse and also coincide with minimum and maximum radius of curvature. The Earth. Created by Sal Khan and Monterey Institute for Technology and Education. Earth radius at sea level is 6378.137 km (3963.191 mi) at the equator. "The Earth's mass is about 5.98 10 24 kg". Derived quantities: diameter, circumference, arc-length, area, volume, There is no single center to the geoid; it varies according to local. \text {Circumference} = 39,350 \text {\ kilometers} Circumference = 39,350 kilometers. K This value is between 6,378 km, particularly around the equator and about 6,357 km at the poles. T 6.371 10 6 m . The first person to determine the size of Earth was Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who produced a surprisingly good measurement using a simple scheme that combined geometrical calculations with physical observations. Therefore, the Earth radius isn't constant, but it can be calculated for every location. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The planet's rotation causes it to bulge at the equator. The formula for the volume of a sphere is V = 4/3 r. Therefore, the difference was 7.2 degrees. Area of sphere= 4pier 2. How do you find the radius of a planet in physics? Video advice: What is EARTH RADIUS? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Earth radius at sea level is 6378. Andrew Blum gives some tips that could students in the high-school class in Clinton, Mississippi because they focus on the Eratosthenes project. Regardless of the model, any radius falls between the polar minimum of about 6,357km and the equatorial maximum of about 6,378km (3,950 to 3,963mi). The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. e Equatorial radius a (called semi-major axis), and polar radius b (called semi-minor axis); a and eccentricity e; a and flattening f. WGS 84 defines ellipsoid parameters as: Semi-major axis a = 6378137.0 meters. Earths Equatorial Radius to Meter Conversion Table, How to Convert Earths Equatorial Radius to Meter, Convert Earths Equatorial Radius to Other Length Units. The equatorial circumference is simply the circle perimeter: Ce=2a, in terms of the equatorial radius, a. He noticed that the difference in the angle of a shadow in his location at Syene, which is present-day Aswan in Egypt, and that of a shadow in Alexandria was about 7. det The WGS84 ellipsoid can be used worldwide (such as the ridiculously over-precise flattening value). (b) Repeat part (a) with the sun in place of the earth. This equation for acceleration can , Dry ice is the name for carbon dioxide in its solid state. So escape velocity of the planet will be 22.4 km/sec Enchanted Learning. R=6370 3. Explanation: The Earth's radius (r) is 6371 km or 3959 miles, based on numbers from Wikipedia, which gives a circumference (c) of c = 2 * * r = 40 030 km We wish to find the height (h) which is the drop in curvature over the distance (d) Using the circumference we find that 1 kilometer has the angle 360 / 40 030 km = 0.009. The radius of the Earth is 6371 km. , The planet's rotation causes it to bulge at the equator. Part 4: Computation . If we were to plot this it would show (setting, G = M = m = R = 1, and including force direction): A simple spring oscillator To understand what this means we'll look at a simple spring oscillator. An arc of 1 radian = the radial distance of the the latitude circle, from. It is 6356. So, radius of nth orbit is rn=rn2, as Z=1 for H atom. b : the third and usually largest vein of an insects wing. An Enormous, Unknown Cambrian Bug Fossil Has Been Discovered within the Eerie Burgess Shale, Ancient Tracks May Be The Oldest Hominin Footprints Ever Found, Scientists Say, By 2500, Earth Will Be Alien To Humans If We Dont Act Now, Scientists Warn, Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy, Topics Related to Circumference of the Earth. The bulge have been decreasing, consider 1998 the bulge has elevated, possibly because of redistribution of sea mass via currents. What is the mass of this planet in terms of Earth's mass? where may be the angular frequency, G may be the gravitational constant, and M may be the mass from the planet. Example 2. The expedition found that Newton's conjecture was correct:[30] the Earth is flattened at the poles due to rotation's centrifugal force. This length is also used as a unit of distance, especially in astronomy and geology, where it is usually denoted by R. Hence, the Earth deviates from a perfect sphere by only a third of a percent, which supports the spherical model in most contexts and justifies the term "radius of the Earth". R = 6371 km is the mean Earth radius.. {\displaystyle K=\kappa _{1}\,\kappa _{2}={\frac {\det \,B}{\det \,A}}} Measurement of Earths circumference has been important to navigation since ancient times. r = 39350/ 6.28 = 6267 kilometer. Because these measurements are not done with more sensitive equipment, the radius calculation will be only approximate. Like a torus, the curvature at a point will be greatest (tightest) in one direction (northsouth on Earth) and smallest (flattest) perpendicularly (eastwest). What is the radius of the earth? Ocean Worlds Resources. Compute the radius of the Earth using the formula C (circumference) = 2 x pi x r (radius). det the center.of the Earth. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! Keplers Third law can be used to determine the orbital radius of the planet if the mass of the orbiting star is known (R3=T2Mstar/Msun, the radius is in AU and the period is in earth years). Find the level of Earth in cubic meters. r These values correspond to the zero Earth tide convention. If one point had appeared due east of the other, one finds the approximate curvature in the eastwest direction. The polar radius of the Earth is 3,950 miles (6,356), which is a 13-mile (22-kilometer) difference. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. [6] It is an idealized surface, and the Earth measurements used to calculate it have an uncertainty of 2m in both the equatorial and polar dimensions. Q. According to Newtons second law of motion, the acceleration of an object equals the net force acting on it divided by its mass, or a = F m . A rough, general figure for the Earths mean orbital speed is 30 kilometers per second (km/s), or 18 miles per second (mi/s). Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. = 137 km (3963. Obviously, nobody is claiming how big Earth has really altered. Rather, elevation above or below sea level is useful. , This is the radius that Eratosthenes measured in his arc measurement. The following is a partial list of models of Earth's surface, ordered from exact to more approximate: In the case of the geoid and ellipsoids, the fixed distance from any point on the model to the specified center is called "a radius of the Earth" or "the radius of the Earth at that point". Skip to main content. A meter is a meter, no matter what your zoom level is. The value for the equatorial radius is defined to the nearest 0.1m in WGS-84. Copyright 2022 - The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 2019 11:40, yfnal3x. In summary, local variations in terrain prevent defining a single "precise" radius. Regarding this, what is the diameter of the Earth in scientific notation? The oblateness constant q is given by, where is the angular frequency, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the planet. h is the transmitting antenna height above the ground,. We know that the acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s2, the Gravitational constant (G) is 6.673 1011 Nm2/kg2, the radius of the Earth is 6.37 106 m, and mass cancels out. arrow_forward. The circumference of the world may be the distance measured around it. This video explains how humans managed to measure the circumference of the earth long long ago using simple math, reasoning and assumptions. However, around 1730, Jacques Cassini argued for a prolate spheroid instead, due to different interpretations of the Newtonian mechanics involved. 2 where in the first fundamental form for a surface (Equation (112) in[11]): E, F, and G are elements of the metric tensor: r Derivation means the action of obtaining something from a source or origin. In astronomy, the International Astronomical Union denotes the nominal equatorial Earth radius as | Unless you know indoor location is available inside the geofence, assume that Wi-Fi . How did we determine the size of the Earth? Strictly speaking, spheres are the only solids to have radii, but broader uses of the term radius are common in many fields, including those dealing with models of Earth. 1 Video advice: How We Calculated the Radius of Earth. Lunar night time is also about two weeks long, during which the moon's temperature plummets to -208 degrees F (-130 C, 140 K) according to NASA. It is 6356.752 km (3949.903 mi) at the poles and 6371.001 km (3958.756 mi) on average. Since the locations are points on a circle that goes around the Earth, the distance between them can be expressed as an arc measurement on a 360-degree circle. Earths Equatorial Radius to Meter Conversion TableEarths Equatorial RadiusMeter (m)0. Arc length of more general surface curves, such as meridian arcs and geodesics, can also be derived from Earth's equatorial and polar radii. Scholars have interpreted Aristotle's figure to be anywhere from highly accurate[20] to almost double the true value. c) Calculate the gravitational potential energy associated with a 4.93-kg object at the A closed-form solution exists for a spheroid:[14]. Measure the angle of the shadow of your meter stick when the sun is overhead and the shadow is smallest, often known as local noon (when the sun is exactly north-south in the sky at its highest point). [ Now that the radius of orbit has been found, the height above the earth can be calculated. [d] It is also common to refer to any mean radius of a spherical model as "the radius of the earth". cos Approximating the figure of Earth by an Earth spheroid, the radius ranges from a maximum of nearly 6,378km (3,963mi) (equatorial radius, denoted a) to a minimum of nearly 6,357km (3,950mi) (polar radius, denoted b). Earths radius is usually given as 6378137 meters (equatorial radius), its flattening is defined as 1/298.257223 (WGS84), and thus its polar radius is calculated as 6356752 meters.However, the av. Earth radius (denoted as R or Could E.T. Thus, the surface of the earth at the equator moves at a speed of 460 meters per secondor roughly 1,000 miles per hour. For this calculation, the longitude isn't needed. Though he did not have instant communications as we do now, he was able to determine the angle of the suns rays in Alexandria at the same time, which was about 7.2 degrees. 752 km (3949. The one exception: The flattening in the original definition of WGS84 was a calculated value, based on the Earths second dynamic form factor as determined from satellite orbits ($\bar C_{2,0}$ in WGS84, $J_2$ in GRS80). Additionally, the radius can be estimated from the curvature of the Earth at a point. Earth radius Conversion conversion table Earth radius to Meters Conversion Table Meters [ m ] We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A sphere being a gross approximation of the spheroid, which itself is an approximation of the geoid, units are given here in kilometers rather than the millimeter resolution appropriate for geodesy. r = m v 2 F c . 5.98 10 24 kg. Solution Verified Earth's volume, or that of the reference ellipsoid, is V = 4/3a2b. The polar circumference equals Cp=4mp, four times the quarter meridian mp=aE(e), where the polar radius b enters via the eccentricity, e=(1b2/a2)0.5; see Ellipse#Circumference for details. A How much is a trillion in scientific notation? The mathematical expressions above apply over the surface of the ellipsoid. Its volume is 803.84 cubic meters. The radius R of a nucleus of mass number A can be estimated by the formula R = (1.3 1015)A 1/3 m. The earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds, called the sidereal period, and its circumference is roughly 40,075 kilometers. How many meters is the earth? The Earth's azimuthal radius of curvature, along an Earth normal section at an azimuth (measured clockwise from north) and at latitude , is derived from Euler's curvature formula as follows:[12]:97. This video will show you how Eratosthenes calculated the circumference and radius of the Earth in 240 BC!! Born and raised in the city of London, Alexander Johnson studied biology and chemistry in college and went on to earn a PhD in biochemistry. With Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Site Map, Scientific discoveries from around the world. A consequence is that a distance to the true horizon at the equator is slightly shorter in the northsouth direction than in the eastwest direction. The first person to determine the size of Earth was Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who produced a surprisingly good measurement using a simple scheme that combined geometrical calculations with physical observations. p Measured around the Equator, it is 40,075.017 km (24,901.461 mi). By 1490, Christopher Colombus believed that traveling 3,000 miles west from the west coast of the Iberian peninsula would let him reach the eastern coasts of Asia. The circumference of the Earth can be calculated using the formula, Circumference = 2 R or D, where R is the radius of Earth and D is the diameter. Using the parameters from WGS84 ellipsoid of revolution, a = 6,378.137 km and b = 6,356.7523142km, V = 1.083211012km3 (2.59881011cumi). Earth, the third planet from the sun, is one of the most unique celestial bodies in our solar system. Compute the circumference of the Earth using the distance and angle measurements you have. ), In geophysics, the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) defines the Earth's arithmetic mean radius (denoted R1) to be[2], The factor of two accounts for the biaxial symmetry in Earth's spheroid, a specialization of triaxial ellipsoid. Tack one end of a piece of string to the top of the stick. p Surveyors today use a variety of instruments and calculations to determine the size of the Earth and collect other relevant data. E Testing, Testing: Space-Bound US-European Water Mission Passes Finals. It does not store any personal data. In the modern age, satellites often provide the most accurate and current information through global imaging. Earth radius conversions Convert Earth radius to other length and distance measurement units using a free online calculator for length/distance unit conversions. That's almost 32 Earths. r The topographical mean geocentric distance averages elevations everywhere, resulting in a value 230m larger than the IUGG mean radius, the authalic radius, or the volumetric radius. Escape velocity = = 22.4 km/sec. We must convert the radius into centimeters: R Moon = 1738 km X (1000m / km) X (100cm / m) = 1.738 X 10 8 cm. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. What is the biggest problem with wind turbines? [21] The first known scientific measurement and calculation of the circumference of the Earth was performed by Eratosthenes in about 240BC. The adolescent protagonists of the sequence, Enrique and Rosa, are Arturos son and , The payout that goes with the Nobel Prize is worth $1.2 million, and its often split two or three ways. This section describes the common ways. Its better to have a reference ellipsoid that is constant over time than it is to have an ever improving best fit ellipsoid. (a) To what radius (in meters) would the earth have to be compressed in order for it to become a black holethe escape velocity from its surface equal to the velocity c = 3 \times 10 ^ { 8 } \mathrm { m } / \mathrm { s } c = 3108m/s of light? Q4. Note that the dimensions of h, R and d must be . The nominal radius serves as a unit of length for astronomy. For a perfect sphere without any mountains, the distance d from a transmitting antenna to the horizon or the line of sight, or radio horizon, can be calculated from the Pythagorean theorem (see the picture above):. z which differs from the exact result by less than 1m (4105in); the mean of the two axes. [22] For both Aristotle and Eratosthenes, uncertainty in the accuracy of their estimates is due to modern uncertainty over which stadion length they meant. Of course, no one is claiming the size of Earth has actually changed. If no sub- or superscripts appear on this page - for example, if the "Mass" is given in units of "(1024 kg)" - you may want to check the notes on the sub- and superscripts. {\displaystyle r} One can only adopt an idealized model. Example 2. Earth's diameter is simply twice Earth's radius; for example, equatorial diameter (2a) and polar diameter (2b). {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial r}{\partial \lambda }}} West can be exchanged for east in this discussion. close. example R = earthRadius (lengthUnit) returns the mean radius of the Earth using the length unit specified by lengthUnit. b : the third and usually largest vein of an insect's wing. Well, the Moon is not always the same distance away from Earth. This is roughly 6,371 kilometers (km) or 3,960 statute miles. The space station is 356 feet (109 meters) end-to-end, one yard shy of the full length of an American football field including the end . to the plane tangent at What is the Radius and Diameter of a Circle? 4Global radii 4.1Nominal radius 4.2Arithmetic mean radius 4.3Authalic radius 4.4Volumetric radius 4.5Rectifying radius 5Topographical radii 5.1Topographical extremes 5.2Topographical global mean 6Derived quantities: diameter, circumference, arc-length, area, volume 7Published values 8History 9See also 10Notes 11References 2a : the bone on the thumb side of the human forearm also : a corresponding part of vertebrates above fishes. Given local and transient influences on surface height, the values defined below are based on a "general purpose" model, refined as globally precisely as possible within 5m (16ft) of reference ellipsoid height, and to within 100m (330ft) of mean sea level (neglecting geoid height). , ] This implies that for a given mass and velocity, a large centripetal force causes a small radius of curvaturethat is, a tight curve, as in (Figure). It is with the values I gave you. The radius of the sun at 696,000 km is 109 times the Earth's radius. For Eratosthenes, the arc was 7.2 degrees. [4], The variation in density and crustal thickness causes gravity to vary across the surface and in time, so that the mean sea level differs from the ellipsoid. The typical radius of the world is roughly 6. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. where. The distance between locations are also part of the total circumference of the Earth. How do you use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the radius of the earth? radius of earth in meters scientific notation, Convert Earths Equatorial Radius to Meter, What Is Radius Of Gyration In Civil Engineering, High Definition 3D Printer Prints 5 Meters per Second, Most Precise Measurement Ever from the Radius of the Planet Outdoors Our Solar System, Scientists Uncover How Quickly-Flying Bats Can Achieve Great Heights well over 1,600 Meters, What Is The Ploidy Of This Cell Model Mastering Biology, Do The Laws Of Thermodynamics Apply In Space, How To Change Google Earth Language To English, Worlds greatest-dwelling squid spotted 20,000 ft underneath the ocean, Hatches Open! r Drive one of the meter sticks into the ground in your location in a sunny spot. Around 1690, Isaac Newton and Christiaan Huygens argued that Earth was closer to an oblate spheroid than to a sphere. Geodetic ellipsoids are better suited to regional idiosyncrasies of the geoid. Your email address will not be published. Please enter the latitude in decimal degrees, here you can convert coordinates. Our descriptions of Earth's surface must be simpler than reality in order to be tractable. 6,371,000 metersThe value, symbolized rearth, is equal to approximately 6,371,000 meters (6.371 x 106 m). Earths circumference is the distance around Earth. Physics, 22.06.2022 11:40, yfnal3x. The Bohr model of the atom predicted the radius of the lowest-energy electron orbit. Sun: radius = 696,000 kilometers, > 100 occasions bigger. 371 106 m), the bottom unit of length within the Worldwide System of Units (SI).