22. I trust that the healing work is done in (friend). We ask this in Jesus name. May your power, cause all pains and aches to leave me. Your Assistance Prayer God, they are struggling to get out of bed, to focus, and to take care of themselves. When we turn to God, we are tapping into a source of strength and power that is far beyond our own. Be strong and courageous. Your absence is killing me. 21. Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. 19. Please provide the healing that only You can. They are the ones who will stick with us no matter what happens. Have mercy on them, Lord, and may your healing powers comfort and heal them. Related Post: Confession Of Faith For Healing And Good Health. You speak, and your words do what you want them to do. Jesus, allow my sick friend to experience the mighty power of Your healing hand. Heavenly Father, we pray for our family member who is battling a medical condition. Lord, we know that You are the Great Physician and that You can heal any illness or injury. I pray that she will feel Your presence and peace in the midst of her trials. Jesus, we set upon you our powerful prayer to heal us. You gave us life, and you also give us the gift of infinite joy. Lord, I pray that you work in my son's life to save him. Touch us with your loving hands and give us the strength to face each day. 14. Use these Christian prayers for the sick to bring comfort, healing, and deliverance to your friends and family. Amen." "Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the love and support you provide to our family. 21. Jesus, I come to You humbly in prayer and ask that You breathe new breath into my friend. Remove bitterness caused by past wounds from our hearts. Amen.. Just keep your hope alive. Why do we Need to Pray for our Family Members? Thank you for your great works. They run errands for us. Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For Someone 1. I will visit you soon. Everyone deserves a healthy and safe life. By request: You can now download all my MP3s! Offer this family morning prayer as you start the day, remembering to keep your family in mind as always. Its important to remember that God holds the power not only to sustain us, but also to heal us. A prayer for someone with mental health issues can be the best thing we can offer. Sweetie, ensure you follow all the instructions the doctor gave you. Dear Lord, Our family is struggling with fear and confusion. Amen. You are so mighty and so magnificent. Also, it shows how faithful you are to the love and power of Jesus. You restored me to health and let me live. I ask you, Jehovah, to comfort his soul during these difficult times. Lord, bring health to the body of .. (mention name) completely and make him/her whole from every sickness. Help us to be a source of strength and support for each other. 60. Strengthen your family members through prayers; its a sure thing that works better, sometimes, than the best drug that might be administered. I, therefore, declare healing upon your body. I come before you today in need of your healing hand. God, please provide protection and healing for my sick friend. There may be times when your loved one faces hardships or pain that seem unfair, unjust or even cruel but God can use all things for good if you are willing to trust Him through them! It is, therefore, important to set time aside and offer these get well soon prayers for mothers. Cant wait to have you back at home, soonest. Do what only you can do, and let there be amazing testimonies. Lord, we come to You with a heavy heart. The Bibletells us in Philippians 2: 9 that God has given Jesus authority over all things. God is there with you. Be clean!, The Prayer Of Jabez And How To Pray By His Example, Prayer for a sick family member and friend, 10 Comforting Bible Verses To Heal a sick family member and friend, 14 Bible Verse For The Sick - Scriptures that speak about divine healing. We do not understand why this has happened, but we know You are in control of all things. I am lost, but I come to you with grace. Just say what is in your heart. Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For A Family Member 10. God delights in answering prayers. To the family members that hes leaving behind, strengthen their hearts and take them under your wings. I pray that you would touch her with your healing hand and restore her to good health. I ask that You watch over her, and if it is not the right medication, please help the doctors quickly realize that. Amen. God, we are unworthy of Your love. Let each family member seek Gods will at all times no matter what the circumstances are. I know this pain is too much for you. Amen.. 5. He/she sees all the ways that being sick has gotten in the way of his/her routines and plans, and this causes a lot of frustration. Apr 24, 2021 - Explore Hilda Vera's board "Spanish prayers" on Pinterest. Its potent than you could ever imagine. Thank you for hearing my prayer, for all the blessings you have given to me, and for touching me with your healing power. Amen. Amen. Your Word says that your wounds heal us. Allow my friend to lean on You and feel the safety and protection of Your presence. May my cherished dog be infused with thy curative grace, and may their pain be relieved, their . I ask you to be with your servant in this illness. Youre always on my heart. Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a special way. You just need to have some faith in His actions. He will set you free from the bondage of sickness, and youll begin to enjoy divine health. Amen. Abba Father, my loved one is suffering a difficult death. Take heart dear. If you have faith, then you must also understand that God is sovereign and in control of all things. Lord Jesus, I come to You as a humble servant and ask that You surround my friend in Your love and majesty. With our resources, users can make a personal connection with the Lord more easily than ever before. The Bible tells us to pray to God for healing, and we will be blessed with health and strength to overcome whatever pain we face. We worship you for all your glory because you are our healer. 55. 73. Here are a few short prayers for healing that you can use: Dear God, please bring healing and strength to my body. God, even in my anger, please heal my friend. Drawstring pouch for safekeeping included. Please work in them, Lord. God, be with my friend today. Mummy, you are my joy, sickness has robbed me of this joy for some time now. We tend to turn a blind eye when engulfed in so much pain, but prayer gives us warmth and hope. Let this person know that they are loved by many peoplemyself includedand that we all want to see him or her healed as soon as possible so he or she can return home again soon! Great Supporter Prayer Although the doctors are giving up and becoming hopeless, never the less, I trust in your creative power that revitalizes. Whenever we are sick or depressed, seek comfort from God and know He will comfort our mind, body, and spirit. This family asked Jesus for help because they knew him well and knew what he was capable of doing. Thank you, Dear Lord, because we shall testify of your faithfulness to answer prayer and healing power in times of sicknesses. You gave us life, and you also give us the gift of infinite joy. You can say this urgent prayer to Lord, so He can help with the healing of a loved one. If someone in your life needs healing, please pray this prayer now! Ultimate Joy Prayer Prayer can be a small gesture, but in reality, a big step of faith in our relationship with Jesus. That is why it is crucial to say a prayer for healing for a family member who is sick. Please give them strength and courage as they fight for their life. When a family is broken or in physical or emotional pain, the best thing you can do for them is to pray and ask the Lord for help. Short prayers for healing Prayers for healing - Make me whole again Merciful Lord, I come to you in prayer today for my health Lord, my health seems to be failing by the day And I feel weaker and weaker with each passing day. Related Post: How To Pray Effective Prayers. Lord, we know that You are the Great Physician and that You can heal any illness or injury. Thank You. Prayer for healing and strength. Im certain that you will get well very soon. Dear Lord, I cant bear the thought of this person I love being sick. In the case of Peters mother-in-law, we see that Jesus rebuked the fever and instantly came out of it. Heavenly Father, I ask that You give relief and healing to my friend today. 30. 67. Asking God for guidance will only make things easier on everyone involved because then we wont have any doubts about what path needs taken next! Let it be done with compassion and understanding. In Jesus' name. You do not condemn, but you are a God of grace and mercy. 13. To inculcate in each member a sense of understanding and affection for each other. We need your strength and power in our lives. Give me the knowledge to recognize those you have put around me to support my recovery and lead me toward better health. 56. Instead, be joyful because youre getting well soon. 70. Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking for your healing hand to be upon me. Unable on Our Own Prayer Encourage him/her and heal him/her, Lord. Allow us to rest in your arms, for you are our only safe place. Cheer up! Amen., Dear heavenly father, we come to you today asking for your healing hand to be upon our father. Sometimes, we may not know why we go through some pains, I want you to know that God cares so much about you and your health is important to him. 10 Best Catholic Prayers For Family May God, our Father, be loving and merciful, bring together, and keep all families in perfect unity of love and mutual support. It is through your power that I was created. Sometimes, when loved ones are suffering from the intense pain of sicknesses or diseases, wed wish we could give up all that we possess to ensure they are doing fine. I ask that you will touch him at this moment and take away the sickness from his body in Jesus name. Dear, I was so sad when I heard that you are sick, hope you are getting better. 4. The most we can do is pray. We pray for full recovery, including physical health and emotional well-being. Continue with Recommended Cookies. I am committed to praying for you. You can expect a divine intervention with prayer for the sick family member. Dear Heavenly Father, according to your word, in Jeremiah 36:6, that says, Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. Dont be weighed down, you are getting well soon, to join the family. Love you. Let them know that there is nothing they can do that can separate them from You. I ask you, Jehovah, to remove the pain from his body. Ephesians 4:2-3 (NIV) - Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing one another in love. 1. Hello brother, have faith in God. 11. To View the content disable adblocker and refresh the page. You are always in my heart. Thank You, Jesus. There is no earthly disease, sickness, or disaster that is too big for You and Your healing, Lord. We pray for healing, peace and protection for our loved one. I pray that Your hand be at work in the life of my friend, and You guide the sickness out of their body. God is at work, dear. The longer he/she is sick, the more and more his/her body feels the impact that being sick has had on his/her body and the more downtrodden he/she becomes. I trust in your love and mercy, and I pray that you would bring complete restoration to my body, mind, and spirit. 62. Churchgists.com covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. Sample prayer for a family member with a medical or chronic illness: Dear God, We come to you in faith, knowing that you created _____'s body and have a plan that is good. In Jesus name, I pray. Hello dear, trust your health is improving. I ask that you bless those of us who wish to serve you. Small Favors Prayer I want to assure you that you will not die. So many people around them do not believe that it is a real sickness because they cannot see the physical ramifications of it, and this is hurting my friends recovery. You are all the hope they need. Dear Lord, you said in your word that anything I ask in your name, you will do. 38. Just say what is in your heart. Surround My Friend Prayer Confession has many benefits: it helps us feel better about ourselves and our lives; it helps us see a clearer picture of where we are headed; it opens us up for Gods mercy; it removes guilt from our lives; and more! 12. Have enough rest dear. Nevertheless, prayer is essential and it should be done by faith. You will conquer and overcome it in Jesus name. That is why when someone is sick in the family, we all feel helpless and stressed. The Bible says that you have given your son Jesus authority over all things. Lord, we know that you are a God of miracles and that you can do great things for him. Being able to pray for someone sick shows that you care for that person. The Holy Scripture also affirms that the prayer of faith shall heal the sick (James 5:15). A simple message of Wishing you a speedy recovery, can inspire anyone to keep faith even on a sickbed. I love You, Jesus. God of miracles, please heal my sick family . At whatever level of sickness, you can change the narrative of any member of your family if you can engage in powerful intercessory prayer for the sick family member. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with negative news stories and bad news, it can be easy to forget that there is more goodness than evil in this world. I ask you, Jehovah, that (friend) know that you are always by his side. Required fields are marked *. Lord, I ask for the cleaning of my iniquities. What is a Prayer for Healing for a Family Member? Treat my friend with Your power and restore their health. The Bible says that you have given your son Jesus authority over all things. I pray for the speedy healing of my dear (Mention the persons name). We must lift our loved ones to God and ask Him to heal them in His name. Amen., You can say this prayer to God as ask for the strength to heal a family member. The experience can be devastating. I'm so busy talking with everyone else about my health that I fail to realize I should be talking you more than anyone. The period of sickness requires a lot of care, love, and prayers. Concerning this disease, we depend on you for healing and quick recovery. 46. Give us the ability to support them in every way we can. In Jesus name, amen. Comfort them as they go through this difficult time in their life. In Jesus name, Amen.. I want you to know that I care about you and wish you reunite with the family soon. He works out everything according to the purpose of His will (Eph 1:11), and His ways are higher than ours (Isa 55:8). Features includes: - Prayers to ask for healing Lord, I come before you today in need of your healing hand. But remember, always pray with faith. I pray that You will keep us all in good health. Help us to rest assured in Your loving plan for __________s life. Amen Dear God, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. 75. Jesus met a woman at a well who believed that: We should all go to a special place for prayer and worship, just as Gods people prayed in the Old Testament. Its essential to keep the faith amid pain and uncertainty. 3 Great Biblical Principles on Finance Important of money management, The Origin and Meaning of Easter according to the Bible, 2 Great Prayer to request a tax-free student loan. Below are 10 Comforting Bible Verses To Heal a sick family member and friend. During trying times when the family is afflicted emotionally and physically, words of prayer and encouragement are major factors that will keep the family strong and going. I want to assure you that you are leaving the hospital soon, please dont be hopeless, Gods help is coming for you soon. Here are 10 comforting Bible verses that will help the sick and their loved ones remember to put their trust in God, while seeking prayer for healing, He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.. Im aware that not everyone has a leader figure in their life, but everyone, without exemption, is led one way or the other. Heavenly Father, you specialize in doing the impossible, I pray concerning this sickness that the doctors are clueless about, reveal your healing power now over my father in Jesus name. My thought periodically comes to you. We pray that you will guide them through their recovery process, and that it will be successful. Lord, I ask that You bring relief to my friend and help him/her stop being sick. Let them recover so they may be strengthened and have faith in your hands. Restoration of the body comes through prayers because, by the power of prayer, the supernatural will superimpose the natural. Jesus, our family, is facing attacks from enemies in the form of sickness and disease. 57. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, full of love and mercy! "Dear God, we lift up our friend to you who is recovering from an illness. Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body, and soul. Death is near for my friend. 35. So, we prepared a short powerful prayer that you can mutter to God on their behalf, and send Inspirational Get Well Messages to encourage them. We are comforted to know that he will be home with you in eternity. I am praying for you, you will be well soon. What is Pentecost and what is its meaning according to the bible? You are lifting the burden of healing away from you and passing it to Christ. Beloved, I pray that all is well with you and that you stay in good health, as it is good with your soul. You are in control, God. God, forgive us. Amen.. I missed your companionship, so much that Im losing sleep. God, I'm so preoccupied with my own healing that I forget that worship should be at the center of my recovery. Most gracious heavenly Father, we come before you today asking for your healing power to be upon our mother. Even though Im lost, Im singing. Related Post: Fast Miracle Prayers of Faith. I am praying for you, mum. Manage Settings Amen. They are sick and it is hurting them badly. I am only alive today because of your love and affection. You are the Great Healer, and I have total faith that You can help relieve them of this. Lord, may my family be safe and happy. Here are 5 healing prayers for family members. Thank You. Amen. Help their body stay strong and give their immune system all the strength it needs to fight off any cold or flu that is trying to come. My husband is of a strong spirit. Heavenly Father, I come before you and I ask that you would forgive me of all my sins. If you are looking for inner healing, turn to this prayer: Almighty and everlasting Lord, I come before You now in great need of Your mercy. I trust that the healing work is done in (friend). Broken Family Healing Prayers Bitterness Healing Prayer Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, I come to you today on behalf of my family. Many have lost their loved ones due to over-dependence on mans relief system. 59. We ask that you bless us with peace and heal us from all of the pains we have faced as one family. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. May the love that surrounds them help ease the pain they are feeling. Yes, you can start right now. 23. I give You my heart in faith that You can make me whole praise Your name. A healing prayer for a family member can be a powerful tool in helping them recover quickly. Your presence is with us. If it is not Your will, God, I ask that You give them comfort in this news. Dear God, I come to you today asking for healing for my mother. 7. "Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, please heal my heart and fill me with joy again. As you allow your body to rest and your soul to be refreshed, it is also expected to get in touch with your maker, Read More [2023] Powerful Night Prayer For Family, Myself And FriendsContinue, In the real sense, humans cannot exist without leadership. Dear sister, the Lord will show you great mercy and you shall experience a quick recovery. May they find solace in your word that their loved one will be with you forever. God, I pray our family will see your goodness in real, tangible ways this year. We know that nothing is impossible for you, and we believe you will work in our lives in ways we cannot even imagine. At this period, I ask for strength for you and grace not to give up on life. No matter what you are passing through, prioritize prayer in your journey. Focus on your sick friend. Amen. Missing you. We pray that he will accept you as his Lord and Savior. Dear Heavenly Father,We come to You seeking Your guidance and support. Lord, we thank you for watching over us through the night. The entire family is seriously missing you. I pray for your healing and strength. . Before then, continue to be strong. He is always willing to listen and to help us in our time of need. Your healing hand never fails, God. Amen. I ask you, Jehovah, that (friend) know that you are always by his side. Amen.". I commit myself to prayer and pray you'll help me abide. You are a miracle worker, God. 80. Please, Lord, bring him back to his feet, strong, healthy, and happy. Amen. Ill be coming to see you again, soon. Amen., Almighty God, I lift up my sister to You.