Cost for 3 month supply is $16 each injection. Vasectomy - Have You Had One? Learn how your comment data is processed. Can you doible check those doses you are taking? Keep up the fight Leah and get the women involved! But I can tell you that trial and error is normal with Trimix. Overuse, such as taking too much medication, raises the chance of priapism/erections necessitating immediate medical attention. Leah, Increase by 0.025 cc to 0.050 cc until a satisfactory dose is reached. Do not waste your time on the gel. 2. We were advised to learn to use our bodies in different ways. Everything You Need To Know About Trimix Injections, 7 surprising health benefits of sex for men, How To Talk About Erectile Dysfunction With Your Partner, Buy The Best Trimix Injection for Erectile Dysfunction, Penile Injection Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction: BIMIX, TRIMIX, QUADMIX. Would you like to be our test bunny? At first, I was disheartened that it isnt THAT important to him, but I think the shot thing has him spooked. I see posts of 20 & 30 cc of tri-mix. Go talk with the doc again. Oneof our HW members who recently moved into an apartment building full of 40 something divorcees and this predicament has pushed him over the injection objection question as he is now trying this wonder drug. Leah, your posts are always informative, insightful, and a pleasant read. my question is $145 for 5 doses about normal and is there somewhere i can order an auto injector for less than the almost $200 they want. I've been using trimix 30/1/10 for a couple weeks with positive results. Solutions . Hi Leah , Any experiment with just viagra on off days from being able to inject? It is NOT without potential complications if used incorrectly. I take pseudoephedrine (very infrequently) to address such rare persistent erections. The Art of Titrating and Optimizing Penile Injection Therapy for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction. Monochromatic, pink and purple tones. I thought I would have to embarass myself and check into an ER!! Most men are started on 15 units of the medication, which can slowly be increased up to 50 units, depending on their responsiveness. LOL. This misinformation can be dangerous to newbies. Is trail and error normal? Alprostadil, papaverine, phentolamine and atropine. WARNING: These videos below, including those from, may be helpful but also may include porn advertisements positioned alongside the video. Sex addiction, or compulsive sexual behavior disorder, has been difficult to define. I must tell you, dear readers, that if you take a breather, a seventh-inning stretch so to speak, you *can* even have a double-header. Trimix injections are compounded medications that require a prescription. Thank you. The other two friends that have been accompanying me for several years now are diabetes and hypertension. s_erection,,,,,,,,,,,,, ons-TRIMIX, emID=08-62, utoject+el, 0_4473.htm, Hard Flaccid/Chronic Prostatitis/Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I was amazed at how much of "sexy feeling" is pure chemistry. Bleeding may occur at the injection site if a vein is inadvertently punctured while administering the TriMix injection. Once through your outer skin and a second time into one of the two tunnels. Dont know if I can mention the compounding pharmacy I use here, but google travel Trimix and it brings up at lease one such pharmacyoffering various formulas with more or less PGE1. I assume it is 20 or 30 units or 2/10 or 2/10 cc Trimix has been shown to be very successful in treating ED, especially in men, for whom oral medications have not been effective. Erections that dont, however, and last 4 hours or longer are considered dangerous, and a medical emergency, and you should seek emergency medical care to avoid potentially permanent damage to your penis. My wife and I were resigned that we would make do and find other ways to please each other. Eventuallywe found a top-notch ED doctor who gavedear husband an injectible potioncalled Trimix. Since Trimix is a powerful medication, and the risk of side effects tends to increase as dosage increases, most prescribers will start patients out on a relatively small dose. we can have someone call you within 4-12 hours and give you Consult your doctor if you're thinking about buying Trimix and trying to determine if it's the appropriate choice for you. If you had success with the .05ml dose the first time I would repeat that again and consume the same foods and supplements. Last resort is to us standard TriMix with needle. Fill the syringe with air equal to the dose, insert Forum rules. Also, injectionshave beenshown toplay a role in penile rehabilitation, or restoring natural erectile function after surgery. One injection lasts an hour or so. Folks,on August 13th Illbe celebrating myfirst anniversary of participating in online conversation. Many men find this a more appealing and approachable alternative to embarrassing in-person discussions with their doctors. Quick update: On Saturday night I used 5 units again BUT used a 5/16" needle and had a great erection for roughly 2 hours. Only issue was getting my erection to go away and I started to panic after 3 and a half hours. Anyway, our marriage suffered because we had to make so many compromises to keep things going (Ill not go into detail but some are considered not mainstream). That is CORRECT! I went to the middle strength Trimix offering, from the formulary the clinic I attend uses. Alternate right and left side of penis with each injection. Buy Trimix injection online for direct application on the penis makes it frequently more efficient at causing an erection suitable for sex than oral ED therapies. Sourcing your Trimix through a licensed and reputable pharmacy, with a prescription, is the only way to go. I'm studying techniques to improve my erections and thought these links would be helpful for others. We understand that local physicians are a very important part of health care. They will treat and adjust the medication so it works for you. I would like nothing more than for my partner to take an active role in the process, however women can be just as squeamish as men about any injection anywhereespecially there. Just a thought. Our first session with the elixir was proceeding at a leisurely pace when I happened to glance at the clock. Mine is "normal strength" according to my compounding pharmacy here in Melbourne. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It will bend, as if its hitting a hard spot. That remains true regardless of how many Trimix units are contained in a specific injection. They also have their own wiki where they store information for reference. Trimix works much better than Viagra with no side effects. I am not an injector, but I am sure that this post will. By the way Im a non smoker, minimal alcohol, body fat in the single digits, resting heart rate 48 bpm work out six times per week. When I first began using the medication I mistakenly injected with penis was half hard and found there to be NO medication to be ineffective and also caused bruising of the penis. And the pace. by Dbarranch1 Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:01 am . A urologist is a great start but they are not good enough. Happy (a very easy transition since it is an easily tolerable minor prick, if youll excuse the choice of words), I have, at the age of 67, become an evangelist for the drug. Now this was SEX!!! Trimix intracavernosal injection is a combination of medications used for erectile dysfunction. The content weve included in this guide is merely meant to be informational and does not constitute medical advice. I am sure for a guy who hadnt seen action down there in almost a year, this was a most welcome sight. You should not take Trimix more frequently than specified or inject it anywhere other than in the appropriate part of the penis. The bimix, trimix, or caverject are chemicals that get the swelling to occur. Yes, you can have long erections with Trimix. We are certainly not giving up! A dose for me is around 2 units, so I get about 22 injections. Do you know you mix ratio? All rights reserved. Let's explore a little bit about how patients commonly use Trimix before going into the specifics of how many units of Trimix might be recommended. Prostaglandin E1. Make sure the vial of trimix is mixed up VERY WELL prior to every injection. I have been teaching the use of injections for over 18 years now. WOW went home and had the best sex ever with the wife. In any case, things are getting better since I read your information. And then- Trimix. This equals to 0.4 ml or 0.4 cc (this is the language used for injections). Follow the step-by-step instructions below. After the dose is set, I will be getting 30 doses per month for 6 months. I read many forums regarding Trimix, like this one, before visiting my urologist and getting Trimix prescription and learned from others posts so here goes. But it not like the good old days. Orgasmed after about 5 minutes, Next time took about 5 shots of Wild Turkey. Inject this medicine very slowly into your penis as shown to you by your doctor 10 to 30 minutes before intercourse. Sign up for the free quarterly Advanced Prostate Cancer Newsletter. If he has erections in his sleep without any trimix at all, that is FANTASTIC news. Once we got the dosage right and the erections down to about two hours, all remains great and our sex is BETTER than before surgerybecause we view it as a gift that we will never take for granted. Showed me everything about the injection (got one) and everything was hunky Dory. Little Pink Pill AKA Female Viagra, Looking for opinions on recent labs (Clomid), Testosterone explained - British Menopause Society. I suggest that you join the group called PC and intimacy. Patients who are prescribed Trimix are given advice and information on the proper handling and administration of the medication via injection. Only issue was getting my erection to go away and I started to panic after 3 and a half hours. Men, Follow These Simple Tips to Improve Your Sexual Performance, How to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction in a Long-Term Relationship. I did learn to French-kiss at forty-something, butthings just werent the same. I have begun to experiment with taking 40 - 50 mg of Viagra 45 min prior to injecting and injecting about 75% of regular dose..I have found that now Viagra has a stronger effect compared to how it acted before I started injections. For instance, my dose is 0.3 ML and so the 5 CC container is good for about 16 shots. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I lost 90% of my erection ability and have recovered about 60% since. I get my Trimix by fedex. So, about 4 months post op, my urologist shared with me about Trimix. If you are considering buying Trimix, and deciding if it might be right for you, then talk to your doctor. It black and blue last 2 times sinc using the super strong trimix. So, given the above, the first thing patients should know regarding how many units of Trimix they should take is what a unit is a microgram. I found a dosage that works and gives us about 20 to 30 min of intercourse. There seems to be general confusion on the math The bottles that I get are 5 milliliter or 5 CC (same units for practical purposes) and the doses are in fractions of ML or CC. I am an extremely healthy man age 69 yo. Thank you so much, you cant imagine how much youve helped people. You must feel the needle penetrate twice. I would just like to pass on my thanks for your blog .I stumbled on it on Google but am relectant to say what words I used as a strap to Google I found it amusing and informative but better than that, I found it encouraging . A second injection may cause more . Dude, the wife and I get together at most once a week. This is a reply that may apply to many regarding Trimix and Penile injections in general. Exercises for Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction. What is the max times in a row, a week or same day that you've used it, how much separation (hours) between injections have you allowed? I did research on the internet and found out about penile injections. After an orgasm or ejaculation, the subsequent erection often lasts for one to two hours and may or may not disappear. I would like to thank the great staff Doctors and my good friend at The Mens Performance Center In Cow Town FT Worth TX. Right now I am undecided. I ended up driving to the ER to get a injection. I get about 25 doese for $125, supplies inc. I had a raging boner in 15 min, great feeling. These are the two primary biological requirements to sustain an erection. By contrast, this same amount may last for 25 doses for someone taking only 20 units per dose. More than four-hour erections are risky and are regarded as a medical emergency. How to perform a trimix injection. They premix the formula and provide individual syringes for each injection/application. as a corner store clerk it was 6 months before i had the free capital, $200, to make the appointment. by FireBird75 Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:28 am, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 3 guests. Like most, I kind of sphinctered up at the thought of pressing a needle into my penis. Most men begin injection therapy with Trimix, which is a mixture of 3 ingredients: alprostadil, phentolamine, and papaverine. My operation was nerve soaring on one side. Now I think I have the dose and techniques to manage a 1.5 hour woody. A prescription for vials is filled with multiples of 5 ml. there is a LOT of misinformation on here. At the other end of the spectrum, is the older gentleman (greater than 75 years old) with . For men, once they realize there are relatively few nerve endings on the shaft of the penis, it is really quite a painless procedure. I have to agree have not had a successful erection in 5 years. Im using 100 units of trimix now but only getting about 70% hard. Intracavernous injection of Trimix (Tx) is indicated for patients unsuitable for prostaglandin E1 (PgE1) injection due to lack of response, pain or cost. Individually, the medications that make up Trimix all produced some positive results, but their combined use success rate outweighs their individual success rates. I pay $80 for 11.5ml (Atro 52mcg/ml, Phen 0.9mg/ml, Pap 26mg/ml). This is a very important question, and I think that all men need to understand the answer. Trimix has been shown to be very successful in treating ED, especially in men, for whom oral medications have not been effective. I see posts of 20 & 30 cc of tri-mix. He uses 28 gauge needles, and the bottle of stuff has a different top on it, so were hoping its just a product, technical problem if you will. New to trimix. Freezing of the formulation that I use is no problem. 3. 5 cc nothing happened. Dont worry about the injections youll get over it its not really that big of a deal. We love it. These are the two main biological factors needed to keep an erection going. If your penis is very flaccid during the injection time theres a good chance youll miss it. Two years ago, looking for an alternative to Viagra, whose side effects (headache, blocked sinuses, nasty stiff neck, general ill feeling) were increasingly annoying, I discussed the issue with my urologist who recommended TriMix. as if the mix is either far too strong or gone to the wrong area. My uro started me on 40 units. Although it is kind of like riding a bike you dont really just have to learn that you no longer have to rush it. I can also use 24 -25 units with effects ranging between 2 -3 hrs. I have been having difficulty using my Autoinject 2 without the E1 indicator from Amazon I decided to order your version. A penile implant is an effective treatment option for men for whom Trimix injections do not work well. Answer. Around 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity, an injection is often administered in the middle third of the penis shaft, alternating sides and avoiding any veins. I was stroking his penis in largo, e.g., slow and gentle, but I eventually learned thatit only workedif I speeded up the tempo and the pressure, do it in allegro vivace, maybe. If you had a trip to the ER I would stop the Cialis. though i felt like it had no effect they claimed i had a 90% reaction to the test injection. For example, a 5 mL vial of Trimix (or 500 units) will provide only 10 doses to someone taking 50 units per dose. Testosterone Replacement, Low T, HCG, & Beyond. Got the tip on trimix from my younger diabetic brother who nagged the hell out of me to give it a try. the. This is not working for my husband, he has three bottles frozen and we are not having sex. We also understand how life can get in the way and how hard it can be to find a doctor that understands what you are going through. When you use Trimix you will feel the slight discomfort of the needle going in but when you push the solution in it should not hurt. You must have different strength trimix. with increments of 2.5 micrograms. He now uses bimix and likes it much better. that took about 2 weeks and I use every two days. I thought this would be a one-time thing. I only need about 0.10cc vs 0.25cc early on of Trimix 1, (0.5mg Phentolamine, 10mg Papaverine and 5mcg PGE1) This formula has one of the lowest amount of PGE which causes pain in some users. Trimix should produce an erection lasting around one to two hours, usually within 20 to 30 minutes of administration at most. A friend of mine runs some of the Male Performance Clinics in TX introduced me to TRIMIX about 6 months ago and I can not be thankful enough,, It was a little nerve wrecking at first but after about the 7th time of injecting myself I have no hesitations about the process, It did not take long to get my doses correct so that I do not need antidote any more. Used 20 units (1/5 ml) got about 35% erection. INJECTION There MUST be 24 hours in between EACH injection. Trimix, once injected, starts to work right away. Wait! I had my robotic RP 12/28/17.As my cancer was progressed, I encoraged my surgeon to take the tissue needed to rid me of cancerand he didand my PSA remains today at .01 undetectablean incredible blessing. So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. Tear open an alcohol swab and wipe the rubber top of the bottle to sterilize it. Great comments. (Adrenaline counteracts the effect of the trimix.) In an ideal world, the Trimix injections wear down without any external help. The most frequent adverse effects are soreness at the injection site, minor bleeding that occurs right away after administration, and some initial discomfort. Hormones are able to stop, start, enhance, or restrict the actions , Every so often a mysterious new molecule grabs the publics attention making the rounds of news, magazines, and social media before quickly disappearing into irrelevance soon after emerging. This is in response to Steve, May 21, 2011, just to clarify. Easier said than done. The syringe should have two scales on it, the one in Units is probably insulin units, but it also has fractions of ML indicated. We have over 300 formulations to work for you. Two and on half units (using an insulin syringe). It stood erect for 2 hours, after which it started deflating slowly. Wow, your info is changing how I look at things. Employee communication . Peel open the syringe carefully and remove the protective cover from the needle. You can avoid hitting veins and can more accurately pick the shot Location. Knock out the testosterone (HDT), and though there is something going on physically, there is almost nothing going on mentally (where it counts, IMHO). Thats why you should never rely on Internet searches or articles like this alone to determine how many units of Trimix are suitable. This means that injection therapy may be cheaper, if not somewhat . Hes going to the urologist tomorrow (the nurse practitioner there) to explain to her the problem. You are using an out of date browser. Our patients typically are not using doses as high as the ones being quoted on this site. It is truly wonderful as mentioned in earlier post. I was referred to your blog from the Circle and Im so glad to have found you. Trimix is considered very effective for treating ED. Sep 24, 2014. She wants to see how big and how hard we can make my erection. No, not for me. Sorry I make the same mis-print or error. However, in my case, phenylephrine was the most ineffective. Boy, did I need a drink and a Power Bar! There is no standard dosage, and it is usually incrementally tailored to the individual via feedback between the patient and the prescriber. Postby Cigar56 Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:16 am, Postby Cigar56 Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:27 am, Postby Cigar56 Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:49 am, Postby ocitgo Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:20 am, Postby Cigar56 Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:28 pm, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests. This stuff is wonderful! Hi Nelson - I am using a .5ml syringe with 30G and 1/2" insulin needle (same as I use EOD for TRT). Our patients typically are not using doses as high as the ones being quoted on this site. Moral of story, dont fall asleep if you still have an erection and listen to Leah. Papaverine plus phentolamine plus Alprostadil (Trimix) is the most potent but requires refrigeration and has the same side effects as Papaverine and Alprostadil. I tell those that are considering this, there virtually is NO discomfort in the shots compared to the incredible joy it brings us. this trial dose is very important. Fast forward to the two-minute mark for the information. is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ??? Be patient, you will get there!! Get the TRUTH about Trimix. The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not THOROUGHLY mixed prior to EVERY use to ensure uniformity of solution. Same amount of drug can produce either an erection that lasts less than 2 minutes, so of no use, or one that goes on and on for hours. You could hear the blood flowing freely, unlike before the injection. The greatest drug after prostate removal. dr recommended .3 of a dose to start after reading all the info here i decided that that dose was to much. bypassed the Mega trimix (double strength) to the Super Mega (double again) Wow. TriMix is a compounded medication. Do you think you hit the right area / angle when you tried the lower dosages? You Doubting Thomases can learn a lot from this lucky guy. Or you can end up with a Leaning Tower of Penis., I just wrote to someone that Trimix could give an erection to acorpse who was doing his taxes:-)). Trimix helped as many as 95% of men achieve acceptable erections for penetrating intercourse when oral ED medication treatment had failed. Does Watching Porn Together Really Help You Have a Better Sex Life? Congratulations on the outcome. I assume it is 20 or 30 units or 2/10 or 2/10 cc Hi, Has Radical Postectomy 14 months ago. Make the appointment right now, call them, you wont regret it. Erections came in XL and above only. Lyophilized. Using this method I get a nice rigid erection, and the retention band can be removed. We were dealing with the suspense of wondering if I was going to be able to penetrate her. How many units of Trimix should I take is the most frequently asked question regarding Trimix dosage. FDA regulation each of the compounding pharmacies is held accountable to Havent tried the sample of EDEX yet but hope it works better . Took 2 extra strength Tylenol , 2 sudafed and ice. I will be a regular from now on. And yes, you can have soreness, but its not normal. I'll get him to go back to his doctor. I'm at 36 units and my doc said I could go up to 40. manually stimulate a man. It is a teeny-weeny dose, but it is sufficient for me. I work it in by pressing down and moving up and down. Papaverine HCl 30 mg/ml. It typically contains a combination of three active ingredients that can help improve blood flow for an erection. You have to be sure to do it on both sides of the penis. Well done you .and kind regards to you and your husband. I took. Not sure why I would? I then went to my urologist who prescribed Trimix. They range from live demonstrations, to how-to tutorials using animations or props. I tried Trimix for a few months, but stopped after learning and experiencing the following: Nobody will give you the exact composition The PGE-1 amount is really the most important. At 20 units, I had an erection that wouldnt subside after almost 2.5 hours. Learn more about the signs of sex addiction and how to treat it. TriMix is a compounded medication that is specially mixed by a qualified pharmacist based on your prescription. There are people in the group who are very knowledgeabe about this subject, although, like me, they are not docs. Did not help. It is only suitable for patients who have had no success with oral ED medications. Trimix begins to function immediately after being injected. Trimix works by the same broad processes as oral ED drugs like Viagra and Cialis, they primarily relax the blood vessels and enhance blood flow, despite the different administration methods. What are the short and long term side effects of using trimix/bi-mix? Buy Trimix injection online for direct application on the penis makes it frequently more efficient at causing an erection suitable for sex than oral ED therapies. I use .25 and that is good for a couple of ours. Trimix is slowly becoming unobtainable because of cost. Here are links to Trimix injection videos. The active ingredients in the penile injections Trimix and Quadmix are alprostadil, papaverine, phentolamine and atropine. I have no pain from the injections. Happy first anniversary which I trust you and Ted will celebrate well. Trimix is all I need. If proper dosage and administration instructions, precautions, and so on are observed, however, the vast majority of people taking Trimix do not experience any such complications. Trimix #12 (10mcg/30mg/4mg) /mL Trimix #16 (100mcg/30mg/6mg) /mL Syringe and Dose Volume ICI medications are injected into the penis using a very small needle, the same type of needle and syringe diabetics use to inject insulin. That's because it's made in a sterile environment and tailored to your needs. Next night used 10 cc it was ok. aching and gone very bruised. aware of (or the information was downplayed significantly to them to make it seem less important), Do not be afraid to use it but PLEASE do NOT believe it is 100% without risk if you are not fully infomred, Ive been using trimix for about six months now The first time I Used trimix I injected 10 units and It started working right away Within five minutes I was fully erect And so hard The head was in pain but not enough to stop had sex took about a half hour longer then usually to cum After sex I still remain hard just watch the pre-cum drip and Dick stayed hard as steel Felt great ,had round two Wife was happy and so was I , After second round was still like steel Im like omg Stuffs unbelievable I remain hard for a total of four hours Im starting to get worried But it finally started a bend Also a extra benefit is after taking it for six months I noticed the girth of my dick seem bigger my girth is usually six inches By 7 inches long .So I took a tape measure out girth was 6 1/2 x 7 So I went online to do some research and found out a lot of people have the same affect one happy fella.
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