For more information, email I should be coming in every day having my kids in my classroom, she explained. William & Mary faces considerable financial impact now as a result of the pandemic. With great strength of purpose, William & Mary students and their families, faculty and staff embraced the work of safeguarding our community while ensuring that our learning and research mission remains strong. I hope you lift people up. Starting next week, we will begin a program of prevalence testing, beginning with an initial sampling of 5% of the student body and 2% of the employee/contractor population. Those who breach these rules repeatedly will be sanctioned, and may be sent home for the semester. Removal of any member of our university community is not a decision we take lightly, and following our student conduct procedures provides due process for each individual. We want to try to do something," he recalled. Students may access the video series through Blackboard, and must view the training by 5 p.m. These SEL Lessons Inspired by Dogs Are What Kids Need Right Now. 3. Many of these institutions took different approaches to testing, campus density and/or required conduct. In acting now, we hope to allow you as much time as possible to prepare and respond. That I will do my best to continue to support them and their families as we wade through uncharted territory. Reports which we are actively investigating that some of our students are gathering with no regard for their commitment to mitigate the risk of transmitting COVID-19 are disheartening. 8 ways teachers can support students' mental health during COVID-19 Marjorie Thomas, Dean of StudentsMark Hofer, Director of the Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation. Amid pandemic, there is no place that individual choices are without consequence to the health of the William & Mary community. These measures are part of a coordinated public health planning effort with peers in the Virginia public university system, Williamsburg-area health care officials, VDH, and SCHEV. Whether you have been here in Williamsburg or are studying remotely, we would not be where we are this semester without you. As we work through immediate-term solutions in crisis mode, we will begin to shift to living, teachingand learning during a pandemic. Next week we will also share our expectations about work conditions after June 10, based on the Governors evolving guidance. As a special send-off gesture, she wrote individual notes for all 73 of her students to take away when they pick up their things. 'The pandemic has been a great teacher' - 25 quotes from India's COVID-19 struggle By Madanmohan Rao April 01, 2021 , Updated on : Thu Apr 01 2021 08:03:31 GMT+0000 Assuming you returned the kits as promptly as expected, we do not anticipate the turnaround from lab to results will affect your ability to move in or begin classes as scheduled; however, we want you to know accurately when your test results will be available to view. W&M's COVID-19 Response Team has outlined significant risk reduction measures W&M is taking to prepare for the fall. Thank you for standing with William & Mary. Detailed information about the schedule of Commencement events will be shared early in the spring semester. Children will look at you and learn from the skills you use daily to deal with stressful situations. In 2020, they also have to deal with. To plan your vaccine, head to NBC's Plan Your Vaccine site at The memories of their smiles, stories, and antics bring me joy in rough times. must wear face coverings at all times. The Commencement Committee will send additional, detailed communications in the coming weeks to degree candidates and families. Please continue to save September 25-27, 2020, on your calendar and expect to receive more details regarding a schedule of virtual events via email, social media and our website as the summer progresses. 14. We continue to be guided first and foremost by the advice of our local health authorities. As we move through this summer and into the fall semester, the COVID-19 Response Team is providing guidance regarding the required use of face coverings on campus from now through the end of the calendar year (July 15-Dec. 31, 2020). She said, What I know is: a resiliency develops from this. Spend the free time you might have during our shelter in place to nurture and start new relationships and then take care of them as the years go by, she explained. The Student Health Center will provide instructions on necessary next steps. Faculty have been advised to prepare classes in a way that makes it possible to switch to full remote learning on short notice, in the event Virginia public health requires this. Other measures being taken to mitigate risks as students and employees return to campus this fall will be discussed at a community Town Hall scheduled for July 20. So much gratitude is flowing. The timing of initial testing depends on when a student arrives on campus: If you are an employee, how and when will testing occur? 5 Inspirational Quotes on Finding Hope Through Covid - CaringBridge As we finalize this process we will continue to update our FAQS in response to questions you send us. Like many other educators during the COVID-19 pandemic, she struggles in both her work and personal life. So I hope you will consider renewing your annual support for the areas of the university where you traditionally give. Additionally, if you do not have WiFi connectivity or access to the internet and currently have a cellular phone, you may want to contact your carrier to determine if your phone has the ability to serve as a mobile hotspot. CHRO Dr. Christopher Lee is developing a parallel framework for employees based on our current HR protocols. Greeting Card Messages In The Time Of Coronavirus - Ideas & Inspiration It made my day," one third grade student wrote to him in an email. And we will pick up right where we left off!! Resources for. UNICEF. Yet much is in our control that promotes resilience: creative adaptations to the structure and rhythms of our curriculum and adaptations to our physical plant, operations and modes of work that safeguard health. It made my day," one third grade student wrote to him in an email. And remember: We're not gonna' let COVID-19 beat us. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to visit our website for a full listing of our departments to help in your success., In the days and weeks ahead, stay connected with us and with one another. We will continue to work through these and other consequential steps in measured ways. . I felt like I was actually with you and the other teachers.". I hope you can do the same, and I hope you can focus on forgiving yourselves if you're not perfect. Our ability to flourish through fall will depend on the commitment each member of the W&M community makes to one anothers health and safety. Here are two web resources that provide additional information: Connecting remotely to campus IT resources. Note that phased planning has updated some messages since their original issuance. Yet it is one thing to plan for hypotheticals and another to make decisions in real-time, under ambiguous circumstances, adjusting as new information arrives hourly. As the economic picture becomes clearer, in the coming weeks and months, we will keep the community apprised of further steps that may be needed to safeguard W&Ms financial health and the financial health of those in our community. Prevalence testing (initial sampling of 5% of the student body) will occur at least every two weeks. I think the biggest part for me is the relationships and being with the students and not being able to interact with them and be there with them through their successes and challenges in the classroom.. As you know, William & Mary is adopting a vast array of safety measures to promote a healthy campus this fall. Make some art. This option was provided at the request of fellow students who desired to forego their rebates. This too shall pass. If you still have questions, please submit a comment so that we may address any concerns and update our FAQs accordingly. (Again, pending EMT hurricane guidance.). Accountability for W&Ms Healthy Together Community Commitment and behavioral guidelines, and consequences for not complying. I love the way your mind works and promise to come see Mrs. Richards next year.. Teachers, in a non-coronavirus world, already had to deal with an array of student challenges, parents, and an unrealistic amount of standardized testing. Full or partial remote work at William & Mary will require a telework agreement. Its been tough, and she said an added challenge for her students is having the equipment to connect with her virtually, whether its because of not having the means or not having internet access . I am honored to succeed Sam in that role while also chairing W&Ms Public Health Advisory Team and serving as the universitys chief operating officer. May the holidays bring respite, companionship, and joy that we have reached this season together. Best wishes as W&M moves forward into this new virtual educational environment. I hope they are learning new things even if its not me teaching it to them. Laura D. One of the best ways to relieve stress and discover what matters to you is to get creative. As in the fall semester, students, faculty and staff who work closely with others will need to self-quarantine for eight days before returning to in-person activities on campus. Remember that we are in this together -- all W&M offices are "open" and we are here for you., Virginia M. Ambler, PhDVice President for Student AffairsWilliam & Mary. Motivation over marks. May we each commit to doing our part to mitigate risk, to actively demonstrate our care for the physical and emotional well-being of others, and to complete a successful year together. Students who need accessibility accommodations to fully participate in the fall semester campus housing, curricular offerings, etc. W&M will automatically default students to the Block 175 meal plan if they are newly registered for campus housing in the spring and do not self-select a meal plan by the start of the semester. At this time room selection for returning students for the 2020-2021 Academic Year will proceed on schedule online, including Priority Housing. Their"Message to Our Van Holten Huskies" included sweet photo and video messages, some song and dance and plenty of colorful signs and chalk artwork assuring students that they are missed and supported and that this challenging time won't last forever. Ginger Ambler88, Ph.D. 06Vice President for Student Affairs. In light of this evolving public health context, we are adjusting our phased return to campus correspondingly, so as to mitigate risk to the health of students, staff, faculty and neighbors. In accordance with the governors directive, access to residence halls for pick-up of personal items left over spring break is temporarily suspended while the campus and campus offices are closed to the public. The modules are mandatory viewing for both students and employees on all of our campuses and properties as you return over the next several weeks. Specific resources and considerations for instructors can be found in this matrix and on the W&M Keep Teaching site. Even if its just a pen and lined paper. Thank you for your support of our testing effort. For instance, this may be a great time to learn about our online training modules on mental health via SilverCloud ( This is an incredibly challenging time. Conversations are easier, resources are more readily accessible, and communication between students and teachers and parents is offered through more options than ever before. While the series is mandatory, the COVID-19 Response Team hopes you will find the videos informative and reinforcing of the promises weve made to one another as community members through the Healthy Together Community Commitment. I am especially grateful to the students who have been on campus for several weeks already and who are modeling the way. Teacher workspaces displayed to the class can incorporate student work along with new notes and work that can . As with the fall semester, students are expected to quarantine eight days prior to returning to campus to minimize potential exposure to COVID-19. Please know that although the Residence Life office is closed to the general public they will still be responding to emails sent to The greatest weapon we can have today is guarding ourselves with faith and prayer. Large student gatherings of any kind both on- and off-campusare not permitted. "With every book, you go back to school. COVID-19 poses an unprecedented threat to public health; so too this pandemic threatens the financial health of millions of households and institutions around the globe. Many safeguards have been instituted on campus to reduce risk for students, faculty and staff eg. Social class juniors, seniors, and graduate students may request housing contract release without penalty. It's a hive of human activity and constant, emotional interaction - buzzing with movement, noise, rapid changes, ups, downs and, in many cases, actual bells to tell everyone when to stand up and go. "Thank you very much for doing that video. Group Gatherings. It is clear that we must defer the planned ceremony on May 16. First, I send my sincere thanks to students, faculty and staff who have worked tirelessly and honored our Healthy Together Community Commitment in order to make the fall semester a success in the face of considerable challenges. Student tuition and fees make up our biggest source of revenue. All students are required to be tested before the fall semester. Dear William & Mary Faculty, Staff & Students. Those students may choose temporary housing in Richmond Hall, which has been identified as suitable for isolation (separate, exterior room doors, individual bathrooms, etc.) Teachers hope students take the time to figure out what they love and find out more about it. William & Mary will continue to do our part to protect our healthcare workers and safeguard the health of our community. All rights reserved. Research has shown this; the challenges of learning under quarantine prove it by direct experience. For many of us as individuals, there will be disappointments and frustrations. Finally, W&M has a responsibility to contribute to local, state, federal and global public health efforts. We recognize the uncertainty so many are feeling. We are making decisions in a phased, evidence-based way and understand that flexibility is essential to remaining responsive to changing public health contexts. If you do not wear a mask and physical distance or if you host or attend large gatherings that violate the Healthy Together Commitment, Students and other members of the W&M community are encouraged to report violations of the Healthy Together Community Commitmentusing the. Based on these determinations and the most recent federal and state guidelines, Family Weekend 2020 will be re-imagined as a fully virtual event. Heres to you, William & Marys remarkable Class of 2020! Wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others at home and in public. at home with family, at an apartment, at a hotel, etc. "It is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.". Please mark your calendars. You can also access Kids Help Phone's e-mental health services 24/7 for support. Changing near-term plans and longstanding habits requires time, effort and patience. Traveling to Williamsburg does not require a student to reset the quarantine clock upon arrival, as long as they quarantined for the appropriate time and practiced transmission prevention during travel. We need everyone to be on board with masks, physical distancing and our other preventive measures and with re-imagining social life in creative ways, consistent with those measures. We take care of each other. In times of coronavirus, inspirational quotes that will help you understand, 'this too shall pass' By Rekha Balakrishnan May 02, 2021 , Updated on : Sun May 02 2021 01:31:31 GMT+0000 I did the best I could to get my work done. Weve been hearing your questions regarding COVID-19 testing and the partners that William & Mary along with several other Virginia universities have been working with to conduct screening and prevalence testing. Not having been able to say goodbye weighs on many. Given the growing number of Covid-19 cases in our surrounding area, including in our campus community, we recognized that our residence halls are unsuitable for long term self-quarantine and self-isolation, which will be necessary in the weeks ahead; additionally, we are not staffed to provide a high level of health care and living support for students under pandemic conditions., Students who are having difficulty implementing their personal evacuation plans under these unprecedented circumstances, will be helped on an individual basis, and we will deploy emergency funds wherever possible to ease the financial burden as students await housing, dining, and parking rebates (detailed information about rebates will be sent soon in a separate message). By providing as much transparency as possible, I hope to sharpen our focus on what matters most and to ease some of the uncertainty we all feel. The pace at which employees return to work on campus is outlined in those plans. Against the unpredictable environment of COVID-19, we will do everything we can to continue to provide as much certainty as we can. "Our students and community have responded to the video in a very positive fashion," he noted before reading appreciative responses from students and their families. We make these decisions in conjunction with the advice of local health authorities, recognizing that the Peninsula Health District, in which our main campus resides, has a dense concentration of positive COVID-19 test results now including individuals on our campus. On April 28, a video was shared on YouTube featuring the principal, teachers and staff members of the Van Holten Primary School. Even in distress, so many of you have taken the time to send a kind note to a faculty member, staff member, student leader, or administrator. We will be learning how to work or teach remotely, fulfilling university responsibilities through new modes, while attending to the care and education of others our children, parents, neighbors and friends. Need a spark of encouragement? Faculty will be flexible about academic materials (textbooks and the like) that you do not have access to. Proctoring protects the integrity of the testing process, thereby maintaining a level playing field for all students. We must remain vigilant so that we can move quickly to identify positive cases and potential exposures. how the pandemic shows us that schools are more important than ever. Currently, the state is. More will be needed in the weeks ahead. Students currently on campus and in residence need to move out by Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Im here for them. Find Life & Wellbeing resources on We Are Teachers - Page 1 of 35. Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19 Thank you for the dedication you have shown throughout this semester. Honorlock is an online remote proctoring service that allows students to take exams from home. 2) They support research in . I write to share updates on telework (below) as well as additional details now on our website about fall planning, including: W&M is part of an active effort to partner with the Commonwealth on a testing network anchored in our three VA university medical centers: VCU, UVA, and VT. Our testing and other public health protocols are based on ongoing epidemiological modeling with those centers. Reach out to your child's teacher and other relevant school staff if you have concerns about their coping and keeping up with assignments or activities. Take care of yourself and each other (from a safe distance of course). If this kind of virtual conversation proves welcome, well continue it in the coming weeks. As does the fear of worse losses, impending. A number of students have inquired about Summer 2021 course offerings. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! We are always grateful for the work that you do, but at this particular moment in time, we are even more appreciative for your work and your caring for students. Its a challenge, a challenge for every one of us, but we dont shy away from challenges at William & Mary. The invitation: in order to create some space to reflect together, I will be hosting a virtual Community Conversation ( from the Presidents House this Friday at 2 p.m. If you receive a notification of prevalence testing in error, because you will not be attending or visiting any William & Mary properties within the next six weeks, please contact [[COVIDResponse]]. We will continue to communicate regularly, to provide as much clarity as feasible, as soon as possible. Covid 19: The positives from teaching in 2020 - BBC Teach We are guided by four key goals: safeguarding the health of students, faculty and staff; ensuring students complete their classes; maintaining the universitys research and other operations; and joining in the national effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, to protect our communities, from Williamsburg to DC and beyond. At least six feet of physical distance must be maintained 10 feet for those exercising, singing or cheering consistent with state guidelines.
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