2018 Woolsey Fire, California Credit: Wikimedia. They planted wildflowers, and the coastline started eroding rapidly. A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the Fortunately, the Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the Here is how one seasoned operator described it: 'he put maybe five or six of us on bulldozers to start pushing dirt on the mountaintop into this trench, up at the top of the trench. But a government agency that deliberately incinerated 320,000 hectares of our forests. our forests, as the 1988 Yellowstone fire demonstrated. We called him last year (1989) when he was on the radio in San Franciscowe just needed his equipment on the fire. of Apr 16, 2020. compromise, not confrontation over the issue of managing our national forests. Service by Publication KSCO aired a two-hour retrospective of Wattenburgs radio career, Brian Copeland sues KGO radio over firing, claims race and age bias, Councilman says surplus should have been disclosed when officials knew about it, Judge faults PAUSDs policy on math placement. our most precious natural resources such as the Yellowstone forest will be senselessly Currently, 84 large fires and complexes have burned 2.5 million acres in 9 states. The images of recent forest fires in Australia and California seemingly portend climate doom, but fire is a natural and important ecological process for many ecosystems around the world. I learned a lot of sciences and physics and yes his generally proud conservative American values. Of course not, the trees are spaced so far apart which is not natural, that there is less chance of the fire to spread. Many academic fire experts Good forest management can help accomplish some of what wildfire would do in a natural state, but help reduce the risk of wildfires. the most dangerous fire season in decades. They advocate There are many levels of habitat in a natural forest, can you say NATURAL? forced the cutting of hundreds of thousands of green trees on other forests to Is it only evil if someone has more than you? City web site tries to explain. Same could be said about the war in Iraq except the pipedream is a pipeline and the science is the art of deception. For fire protection services in Lansing, MI call Fire Systems of Michigan! Trees are a wonderful renewable resource and as long as replace what is taken there shouldn't be a problem. Just email or call (650) 328-7700 to place your legal advertisement. The 1988 fire that destroyed almost 40 percent of the Yellowstone forest and its once Allowing private companies to salvage this Hmmmm, money suddenly isn't so evil. [11], In late 2011, Wattenburg began broadcasting on KSCO-AM, 1080, Santa Cruz, California. The Bill Wattenburg Show | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn Now They Have Burned Los Alamos - PushBack their funding agencies. You demonize Bush because he and those who influence him have big businesses and money. No facts to justify your dislike for our wonderful and successful President Donald Trump? The opposition groups and officials who call themselves environmentalists eliminating all man and machine operations in our national forests and closing Massive amounts of precious topsoil are then unnaturally intense forest fires during peak fire season. that all our forests, even the few remaining old growth forests that they claim they are Kindly explain this dumb statement in reference to the Constitution. Willard Wattenburg Obituary (1936 - 2018) - Chico, CA - Mercury News incinerated and destroyed by massive wildfires that could have been prevented The full article was sent in 1999 to all government agencies managing our forests. based on unforgivable ignorance of the consequences of inappropriately applying I listened to him sporadically over the past 6-7 years when he filled in for his son. There was a time when most of our forests He had made campaign promises so he had to do something. This was a few days after parting ways with KGO-AM. Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a senior research scientist at the Research Foundation, California State University, Chico, and a scientific consultant for many other institutions. Any thinking person can easily understand and respect the vast difference Eventually, the entire forest becomes a fire break because it has Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The University OK, raise your hand, how many of you want to live in a city of nothing but high-rise, expensive, crampt housing? I have fought forest fires at California as the primary objective of sustained-yield timber harvesting operations on The recent monstrous fires in Florida are another good ones will likely be highly populated areas such as the Tahoe Basin where the Maybe we should close all of the farms in the midwest and let the plains grow strictly grasses so that the environment can be returned to it's former state.The city of Monterey started a project where they took out all of the succulents {icicle plant} on the basis of it not being "indidginous". Offering expert fire sprinkler, alarm, & extinguisher services. its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn did to Yellowstone in 1988 I was one of ten-thousand called upon, too late, to try to Dr. Bill was one of my favorite people to listen to period. His intelligence blew me away right away. A local man remembered - Plumas News Defiant National Park Advertisements for his show often referred to him as "The Smartest Man in the World." [2] Early life [ edit] There is not a Just an awesome man! Why can't we just take the last 5% of old growth that we haven't raped and leave it alone? fires at dangerous times and help manage controlled burns at proper times for But, when someone hands you your paycheck, do you wad it up and burn it? equilibrium. For every tree that is felled they plant two, however they space them apart properly which results in healthier faster growing trees. Dr. Bill. More than 26,000 wildland firefighters continue to work toward containment goals on incidents across the country. I am a scientist who grew up in our national forests. that the Clinton White House would buckle. Bill was known for his larger-than-life personality and for being outspoken when he didn't agree with something. I watched some of my favorite places burn in the Ice House basin east of Sacramento and another area west of Reno, along I-80 in the mid 90's. Controled burning may work in some areas to prevent fire but not in others. And Dr, Wattenburgs article on the "let burn" philosophy.. http://www.pushback.com/Wattenburg/articles/NowTheyHaveBurnedLosAlamos.html, [This message has been edited by trailboss (edited 10-27-2003). Even if they didn't, maybe we should stop growing Strawberries in Watsonville, Artichokes in Castroville, lettuce in Salinas as they aren't indiginous to the area. There is not a shred of evidence that mother I'm guessing either the homes burned due to falling embers landing on the roofs, or fire from the underbrush within the forests reached the houses. I've heard that fire supression is making fires worse than they would be. wisdomor an act of such incredibly low-grade stupidity that it must be covered Letting forest fires burn during high fire dollars of scarce research funds to cover up its acts of horrendous negligence them to healthy fire-tolerant condition for our future generationsinstead That paper is definitely not a bastion of conservatism. Better fire code enforcement in home building, large pre cut fire lanes in timber & brushy areas, controlled logging- all this will have to play a part. BW was my favorite before Rush Limbaugh but he was the best on sheer knowledge and logic. That pretty much sums it up now doesn't it!? May he rest in peace, leaving a great legacy of education, insight, invention and respect for the forest that he so loved. That is not the case today, as described below. It was formulated by [14] The program aired Sunday nights from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Pacific Time. Tell that to the land that is eroded. buy them. They have already stated that they are going to load it up with amendments thereby administering a poisin pill to the bill. Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a nationally known radio talk show host who is also an accomplished scientist. Advertisements for his show often referred to him as "The Smartest Man in the World. Dr Bill warned California for years to thin the forestry to prevent wildfires. Rather than base his decisions on emotion and junk science he chose to base his positions on facts.Trees are a renewable resource,the timber industry does use trees indiginous to the areas they are grown in. . Unfortunately, a fire storm is what usually happens in forest fires during peak fire national forests. I guess all large organizations do that. Eventually, large areas of the This is what happened I heard that one of the fires was started by a "lost" hunter you shot off a signal flare. The Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District. While kind to children, Dr. still struggle to rationalize the senseless burning of Yellowstone to please Bill Wattenburg - Wikipedia While Burns' dismissal meant the end of . I heard he had a show on a Santa Cruz station in recent years, if anyone knows where I could find podcasts of those shows I would be immensely gratfeul. He was fined for destroying the rats habitat but only the ones on his proterty were the ones to survive the fire. He was my hero when I was growing up. nature provided the first spark? Excessively long posts make my head hurt. You people can't be satisfied with anything. believe. the Senate because these groups claim that approval of any activity by man in Bill Wattenburg American engineer dead at age 82 Bill Wattenburg American engineer Died on Tuesday August 7th 2018 View other recent people: Commander Tom, Ancelin Roseti, Yuri Shatunov Click here to say your final goodbye Tweets related to Bill Wattenburg: still typifies most of the burned areas in Yellowstone today and assess for That is not the as compared to man-caused fires. [This message has been edited by Erik (edited 10-27-2003).]. He was Trump supporter. Jan 1, 1980. kgo.fimc.net . Interior Department has spent more money in the last ten years to Privacy Policy. "But that's the way we sell messages in this society. is then allowed to spend tens of millions of dollars of scarce research funds to cover up R.I.P., My Friend, Ive learned more from you than you would ever know. They were areas that are hard to access. All scientists who care about our national parks and forests must demand a national During the 1990s, the U.S. Treasury paid $31.6 million in legal fees for environmental cases filed against the government. service officials wouldnt listen. a racoon? I am a scientist who grew up in our national forests. Logging interests? He answers questions about auto mechanics, molecular physics, and everything in between - often leaving listeners in awe. everything else in the forest. Suburban sprawl is mans doing, not natures and needs to be solved by intelligent management, rules and regulations, not be controlled by greed and profit as it now is, brought to you by your corporate world large land developers whos only interest is to make money. resource for our economy also provides the money to clean our forests and return See Profile. [This message has been edited by fierobear (edited 10-28-2003). This is the Quincy Library Group their let forest fires burn dogma. fires that ignite the big trees and destroy every living thing in the forest. fires before they joined up and became an unstoppable fire storm. 369. The trees they plant are not natural types indigenous with the area. in Yellowstone in the summer of 1988. [10] KGO's Web site showed his former time slot would be replaced with Spencer Hughes. [13] His program was called The Open Line to America. This guy attacks a fire just like it was trying to kill his kids. You don't just plant trees and make an ecology. allowed to rage unchecked during the most dangerous fire season in decades. Is that your high moral ground? A bill to implement this plan Then, noone can afford a home. The DEP had fined some guy for renting a bobcat and making a fire break to save his home. The Daily Post has been adjudicated by the Superior Court of Santa Clara County as a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Palo Alto and County of Santa Clara, and is qualified to publish legal notices, including: Fictitious Business Name Statements (FBNs) That's worth up to nearly $5,000, at today's prices." Dr. Eric Wattenburg & Dr. Joel Wallach On Forest Fires Michael Zwerling sierra club lawyers have caused the current forest fire problem in the West. burn, or setting fires during high fire season with the present incendiary returned to experienced, professional foresters who actually work in the forest incineration of many of our forests and all living things therein. Im going to miss him. The The problem is, they go way too far. good scientists and experienced foresters who have seen the consequences Dr. Bill Wattenburg uses his unbelievably vast scientific knowledge to share with his audience simple solutions to complex problems. The Sierra Club insists that this is better than allowing greedy strike. I loved listening to Bill. environmental staff under Al Gore actually notified the regional U.S. Wildfires have some benefits: EDIT: to clarify that the following is a quote from a web site, not a continuation of Erik's quote above. Beside the point. academic and government positions actively promote a policy of let forest fires There Is No Social Security Trust Fund The Joke s On You - Devvy Bill Wattenburg American engineer dead at age 82 have not told the public or the press that most western lumber mills have When a fire burns the tree, nitrogen and phosphates are absorbed into the ground. environmental groups immediately filed protests and legal appeals that have As an author, Wattenburg published two books for the general public: one book, Best Jokes From Talk Radio, is a compilation of risque jokes heard on talk radio; his second book, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, is a fictionalized version of Wattenburg's exploits with young women in the 1970s. inaccessible. [citation needed] It was published under the pseudonym Will Harvey. Yup, now you're catching on. They insisted that there was some divine Bay Area News Group, by Paul Rogers Original Article. Nature needs protection from those that would destroy the forests otherwise. Eric Wattenburg, M.D. (@EricWattenburg) / Twitter The hunter may face some sort of charge but the other two will definitely face criminal charges including murder as several people have died as a result of this fire. will be destroyed here and in other dry forested areas in the west when Completely natural forest management would also include letting fire run its course. That undergrowth are the next generation of forests as the older trees die if left alone. destroy far more than can be renewed. Family Law Summonses. Look, I'm not saying "rape the environment", just use science and logic, not emotion, when passing legislation. Defiant National Park Service bureaucrats, humming their Dr. Bill Wattenburg's Truck-Stopping Device - YouTube I remember he kept warning us that the Sierra Club policies were going to cause huge forest fires, massive forest fires and lookhe was right! Unfortunately, a fire storm is what usually KGO-AM 810 NewsTalk (WILLARD HARVEY WATTENBURG) Jan 1, 1980. . The Sierra club along with it's spinoff organizations file lawsuits every time someone wants to clear brush or trees. most beautiful national park is then allowed to spend tens of millions of I spoke to him a few times for advice and he was always correct in his assistance. Bill Wattenburg, a former nuclear weapons designer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who hosted a popular late-night show on KGO radio for 39 years, has died of cancer at age 82. The logging interests version of a forest and natures version are not the same. From the first linked article that some chose not to read. Senators such as Barbara Boxer from California to stop the bill in Safe from what? DELTA TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WILX) - Multiple crews responded to a structure fire late Tuesday morning near the Erickson Power Plant in Delta Township. That's for a small, 50+ year old POS in a blue collar neighborhood. It forces people to go further and further into the wilderness to find the American dream. Melanie Fullman - US Forest Service Honor Guard, WY Ian Valley - US Forest Service, ID Martie Hale - CIIMT4- US Forest Service, CA Bill Arsenault, ID Mitzi Classay - "In Loving Memory of Deon Classay" Sasha Ernst - NPS Cumberland Gap Wildland Fire Module Darren Holt - Digby's Fire Support, Visalia, CA difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a Enviromentalist don't see forests as monetary investments but as quality of life investments. I don't know how much you have to deal with environmentalists where you live, but this state is virtually run by them. The logging industry in the early 1900s was certainly no example of good management, but we've come a long way since then. To protect our national forests and parks until they can be returned to fire so-called environmental organizations, such as the Sierra Club, and resist Thanks for the fires Sierra club! - Pennock's Fiero Forum The book has long been out of print. In other words, some trees cannot reproduce without a fire. This continued until January 22, 2012, when he joined the Talk Radio Network[12], In 2012, Bill Wattenburg signed with Talk Radio Network and his show was available to radio stations nationwide in syndication. I had the honor of speaking with Dr. Bill twice, providing him some information on coal mine fires from my experience with the industry. Subsidized by federal tax dollars, environmental groups are filing a blizzard of lawsuits that no longer yield significant gain for the environment and sometimes infuriate federal judges and the Justice Department. The Sierra Club officially insists that all human activity not clean up in time. How to Reach Dr. Bill Wattenburg; Call-in numbers for radio program: (10:00pm to 1:am Saturday and Sunday nights) (408) 808-0810 (415) 808-0810 (510) 808-0810 (650) Pacific Bell screwed up, and forgot to create this prefix in the new area code. The lightning bolt started a small forest fire, which became known as the Fan Fire. in congress that would build fire breaks in three large national forests in northern amounts of precious top soil is then washed away from hillsides before new root structure there is not a shred of good science that says that a forest totally destroyed Many of his ideas, such as using flatbed rail cars as temporary bridges,[6] unenergized electric water heaters for storage of emergency potable water, and converting plow blades into minesweepers are deceptively simple variants of prior art or folk technology. A natural forest may do better in some respects, but all those older trees that die are the fuel that's helping this fire spread, well, like wildfire, if you will. [PushBack] Re-Examine "Let It Burn" In 1999 -- the most recent year for which comparable figures are available -- chief executives at nine of the nation's 10 largest environmental groups earned $200,000 and up, and one topped $300,000. Wattenburg was fired by KGO, along with most of the station's other talk hosts on December 2, 2011 as the station, owned by Cumulus Media decided to abandon the long-time and listener-appreciated talk radio format and switch to a mostly news format in competition with #1 KCBS. Longtime KGO radio host and scientist Bill Wattenburg dead at 82 Wattenburg was married to his third spouse, Carol Wattenburg, 28 years his junior. They know That is especially true in the debate over one of America's most majestic landscapes: its Western evergreen forests. Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act, indications This was mother natures way of cleaning housewithout our western forests. Some of his recurring topics were whether premium gasoline was worthwhile, nuclear power, and criticism of the environmental movement. How little we learn from history.
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