"What was that?". You should get one too. I.. . Youre gonna be okay, Pete. Tony nodded, helping her pull the scarf from around her neck, pulling her into another kiss. Just a way that he really needs to find out what the fuck goes on in there. Tony could feel Peters flesh, hot and sticky, adhering to his own skin as he did so. Unfortunately, as per usual, the happy moment didnt last. Hed come out of war disenchanted by the horrors and pain it brought. (You fucking idiot, did you really think we would tell you?) He did not back down from her steely gaze. You know I wouldnt be doing this if I didnt think youd come out okay. Peters eyes darted across Tonys face for a few seconds more before he tore his hand off of Tonys wrist. Isn't that great! The Stark family has started to mend the broken bond between them and the rogue avengers. When school ended Happy came to pick him up. A one shot. They left the school and started walking to their apartments. He opted instead for pulling Peter close to his chest, and scooping him up with one arm, securing his head and neck with his other, as if he was carrying a small child. i know i mention it at the end of all of my fics, but i am a sad lowly writer who craves validation and attention. Peter groaned at the action, but thankfully was still lucid enough to wrap his arms around Tonys neck. St-Stark." "Guess what!" 25 "Geez kid." Tony rolled out from under his car, rubbing his head. it may just force this dysfunctional group of people to become a family again. This was a solider, not a champion. He slammed his head onto the table. Entedido hijo de puta?" Peter Parker gets to be Passive-Aggressive and Snarky. The only reason I have so far for the rating is the fight scenes and mental health problems, basically it's about the same level of each as canon is. The genius bumped his head in shock at the sudden intrusion. Ned wanted to show me this new comic book he got which actually looked really cool, I think im going to borrow it, The brunette dropped his bag on the floor and automatically made his way to his corner of the lab, never looking up from his notes, oblivious to the other teenager in the room. Tony felt responsible too. Peters breathing became more desperate and erratic, and Rhodey called for Bruce as he and Tony tried wiping Peters hands of his bloody saliva. His knee would bounce uncontrollably, his fingers would tap on whatever surface was nearby, and he would pace if he was standing up or squirm if he was sitting down. ~.~.~I hope everyone enjoyed!! Peter caught the action, turning his head slightly to face him. Due to a misunderstanding, Deadpool tracks down Peter Parker in an attempt to uncover the information he believes Peter has on Daredevil. "Peter sighed again before sheepishly joining in on the planning. Wordlessly, F.R.I.D.A.Y brought him to Mr. Stark's personal level so Peter assumed he was in his lab. Hydra agent 'Spider' is sent out on a mission to retrieve blueprints from Avengers Tower. Peppermint is known to repel spiders, and can be lethal in large quantities. Rhodeys eyes went wide. And they actually wanted things to get better. How the hell did this happen?. He released Peters hand to ruffle his curls, Peter visibly relaxing at the action. Tony smirked, curious to the killers reactions. Then why are you here?" Peter was beginning to put pieces together he hadnt bothered to before. Keep us updated Helen. Bruce called out as he tried wiping some of Peters flesh off of Tony, but the second he tried Tony jerked his arm away. He ate some quickly. Im Dreaming of a White Christmas Tony was so confused, the kid had been fine, more than fine, barely half an hour ago. "A warning for Clint," replied Peter with a furious look taking his features remembering the prank Clint pulled. Precious Peter Parker. He trusted her with his identity, and she trusted him with a few secrets. Tony Stark loves to learn. Do I need to remind you two that we have a kid here? He asked as Peter groaned. Peter scanned his hand and bounded in. Look, son of a bitch, what is wrong with you? Movies ACTION ADVENTURE COMEDY OVERPOWERED GENIUS MARVEL FUTURE UNPRINCIPLED AVENGERS SPIDERMAN 4.51 Tony Stark dies October 17th 2023. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). In the aftermath of the Water Elemental attack in Venice, Peter gets a call at the hotel. He was born in Queens, when his parents were visiting Ben and May. But he had the right mind to bite his tongue. But he has his hands full as Spider-Man with a gang spreading fear in the streets of New York, putting civilians at risk and bankrupting the city. If you don't, I'll redo it for you, sorry. (it's my hpf and I get to choose when I have it (no I don't)), (crack treated seriously with mild spots of angst), peter gets kidnapped by HYDRA with his classmates.this is inspired by Scratched Onto The Walls Of My Throat by Mysterycheerio. Peter hummed in response and was out like a light. Tony brushed Peters hair out of his face again, shushing him. 1205 guests Oh- and the Avengers and co. have to put up with his bullshit. Ned was the first since his house was closer to the school. "Just having a bad day." The Violet Witch is a biology major at NYU that *happens* to also be able to manipulate matter.Peter Parker is a chemical and mechanical engineering student at MIT that also *happens* to be Spider-Man. He would rather see sincerity than a righteous script. Please don't expect much, it's rea [I ENDED UP SMOOSHING TWO REQUESTS TOGETHER AS I STRUGGLED TO MAKE THEM TO A LENGTH THAT WOULD BE A FULL CHAPTER. Tony grunted as he and Rhodey moved Peter to the large machine. 52.2K. Pepper walked into the room drying her hands with a towel. asked a confused Steve. " Tony sat up to place his hand on Peters back, Rhodey following suit. Out of everyone he knew, there were few who knew how many languages he could speak. You can stay on Floor 25. So I'm making us a list of things we gotta do.". Peter was walking around town when he got a message, interrupting the music he was blasting into his ears through his earbuds. and comments are the only way i really know if people enjoy what i'm posting!!! Confused looks were shared around Peter. Do you really want to hear me say it?. I dont know how much longer we have. She was silent for a moment before speaking. Spider-Man: Coming of Age Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Peter Parker was excited, and when he was excited, he fidgeted. The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Marvel Cinematic Universe Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes Bruce Banner & Peter Parker Pepper Potts/Tony Stark James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Peter Parker & Pepper Potts Bruce Banner & James "Rhodey" Rhodes Characters: He grabbed a plate and took a few off the large stack. "Since aunt May is Italian I know both Italian and Spanish and I also know French and Russian from learning in my free time," said Peter. And when Peter gets sick from an allergic reaction (it is an allergic reaction, right?) Tony went to pick Peter up, but knew that if he picked him up with his head tilted back he could choke on his own puke. We need to get him to the med bay. I am so sorry. Rhodey choked, gingerly massaging Peters forearm with his hand. Then, they returned to England with his parents and was declared a citizen of England. Meanwhile, Peter desperately tries to keep his secret identity intact while being pursued by a mercenary hes only met as Spider-Man. He splashed into a shallow part of the ocean, only a bit far off of the land. Captain America stood tall and regal, nothing like the PSAs Peter had seen throughout his school years. and being the son of Tony Stark, it can really get hectic. Chapters are not connected unless stated otherwiseTags may only affect certain chapters. Said Tony dragging Peter out of the apartment to the compound. "CLINT FRANCIS ELIZABETH BARTON!" (Thank you for your help, gentlemen. His dad said, very clearly agitated. Its still not safe to have others in the room when were attempting to repair anything interior. Tony almost asked how, then, was it safe for Peter. "He's in conference room a. Tony immediately regretted letting go of his kid, both his hands pressing hard against the thick glass of the machine. Work Search: He got there to see a giant plate of waffles. 5 times The Avengers (excluding Clint) forgot Peter Parker is a vigilante, and 1 time everyone remembered. Sorry for the strong language. When Peter got to the tower his spidey sense was tingling. asked Happy concerned since Peter was usually chatting his ear off. Work Search: He reached up to pull Peters hands away from his mouth, offering a calm Let me take a look. only to find that he was drooling into his hand, seemingly unable to close his mouth. As Pepper went about preparations for that evenings turkey dinner and Tony began moving the golden brown cookies from the baking sheet to the cooling rack, all he could think about was how happy he was in this moment. Peter had met her when they thought he was on Tony's side in the Civil War. I didnt know you were so bad at baking, Mr. Stark. Peter giggled as Rhodey went on about the time Tony had tried baking a cake for Rhodeys birthday years ago. Then he was late to the bus. Tony was sat in between Rhodey and Peter, the latter leaning against his chest, having his curls played with absent mindedly. ", "Well, I was going to have Pepper do the business meeting in London but I thought I'd do it instead. Power. 1. Also to be careful speaking another language around him since he could understand. I was ten when someone," he sent a pointed glare at Bucky who had been revealed as the culprit "bombed my parents plane. Peter meets Harley for the first time and doesnt know how to react, so he curses out Tony in Italian. "Sorry to interrupt, but where exactly are we going?" Rhodey asked on behalf of everyone. Tony instantly reached for the box of tissues on the side table, pulling out a few and handing them to Peter. Like, dirt poor. Cho? Tony asked urgently, severity in his tone. Then my first girlfriend was killed, bled out in my arms. None of the other Avengers really questions why Tony suddenly develops a British accent when he's tired. ALSO this is heavily inspired by the book what if its us 100% recommend. Friday called from the ceiling, causing him to flush red. Peter looked up at Tony with pleading eyes, his body growing weaker by the second. "Hey Fri, where's dad?" Peter had his jaw to the floor, the COMPOUND!!!!! Peter Parker & Avengers Team Characters: Peter Parker Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Bruce Banner Steve Rogers Clint Barton Sam Wilson (Marvel) Vision (Marvel) Wanda Maximoff Language: English Series: Part 1 of Peter Parker is TalentedNext Work Collections: Fics with varying amount of Spidermom Stats: "Mista Stark!" The genius bumped his head in shock at the sudden intrusion. That sixth sense went off, and Peter ducked. But that was fine. Look I'm warning you one more joke and I'm breaking all your arrows and bows, painting your room purple with feathers, and banning you from the vents. "Yes, Natasha. Tony tossed a cloud of flour in both Peter and Rhodeys direction, their laughter rising over. Tony chuckled when he saw his friend covering Peters eyes with one flour covered hand. @Eclipse_Rose sorry but I'm not doing the trip part I'm boring-. And boy, did he find one, Peter was boiling. Well, all except Tony who was in the floor rolling off laughter at what Peter just said and looked like since he knew Italian and that wasn't far from the language he just spoke but still shocked he knew this language. "Ngh.. hurts He forced out, Bruce now taking a knee next to Rhodey. Because I mean Tony said with a confused tone." . "Ese Hijo de puta se las va a ver conmigo." Tears start to form in Tonys eyes. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Island of the Misfit Toys. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hey, kiddo. Tony replied quietly, smiling warmly. With a man claiming to know Peters father Richard, trying hard to create a serum that will give him back his arm and the budding romance between Gwen and Peter, things are getting pretty stressful. Theres peppermint oil in the spritz cookies. Rhodey recalled. He got up opened the blinds and looked out the window. A timer chimed and Tony stood to pull a sheet of cookies out of the oven. Peter signed to his father that they were leaving. Peter tried to figure out what Tony was making a list of. He tried to speak, but the sound he made came out as a strangled gurgle and a desperate whine. It was a rare sight to see when the two were together and there was no contact between them. left kudos on this work! The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Steve Rogers Feels Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad" Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who aren't supposed to be there. Get back to work, Tony. Then, they returned to England with his parents and was declared a citizen of England. Toomes looked over Peter's shoulder, and immediately tried to take off, but then a blur flew over Peter, grabbed the spear, and threw it at the left wing of the suit. P.S - Requests are closed. I baked that monstrosity of a cake with all the love in my heart and you know it, Rhodes. Tony shot back, chuckling himself at the memory. Rhodey, Peter, and Tony, were all sitting on the large couch in the common area just off of the kitchen, watching 3. Tony Stark and Norman Osborn. So shut the fuck up and leave my dad alone!" The Compound kitchen had gone from the baking zone to the cooking zone, as Pepper, now joined by Bruce, prepared the various dishes for their Christmas dinner. Then of course there were the businessmenfrom Germany, but Peter doubted he'd see them again, especially not after he humiliated them. Peter knows Tony doesnt forget on purpose, and he knows that Tony means well with his concern. After the incident with Doctor Octopus, things finally seem like its going to get better. He looked over at Tony, pretending to be upset. Nice to meet you." His dad was on one side of the table, Rhodey and Vision on either side of him. It was all being kept in the fridge for when they could all eat together as a family. Some accident from your playboy days? You didnt know.. Peter reasoned, his voice still weak. Sassy Peter. Then it started raining and he forgot his umbrella. Thats no secret. They all soon realized how Peter understood their conversations in other languages and their faces made a scared expression wondering what he had heard of what they said secretly in other languages. Twelve years passed and the family was still grieving, and Tony Stark worked tirelessly to find his only childs killer and gain justice for his son. In his excitement Peter didn't even notice his thick British accent returning. Where DUM-E is lonely, so four-year-old Peter crushes Avengers' meeting to tell his dad about this. Hahaha" Peter's voice did a full 360 and now sounded like a full blooded American. Natasha rose an eyebrow at the duo, recognising their sarcasm. Rhodey brought over a garbage can for Peter, who was still vomiting, which Tony held under his chin. That night, Tony learned another of many lessons about his Spider-Kid the hard way; Peter Parker and peppermint, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, uhhhh god i am so bad at tagging i am so sorry, it's also four in the morning and i just finished writing this so cut me some slack lmao. He's the kind of person to help others when needed, like the Avengers were supposed to. Oh.. Peter did not mean to meet the Avengers this way and he knows as soon as Tony is up people are going to be . My parents raised me in London since I was born, but when they died I moved here with my uncle Ben and aunt May. Peter didnt know a lot about why his parents split up. Peter stiffened, walked over to his dad briskly, patted him on the shoulder and pulled a seat up in between him and Vision. This work could have adult content. Stark has everything broadcasted. No name, no memory of her life before Hydra, no friends, and no home.
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